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Parents often ask teachers and schools to administer medication to their children while at school. It is important that such requests are managed appropriately to ensure the safety of all students and fulfil the duty of care of school staff. We aim to ensure that all medications are administered appropriately to students in our care.
- First and foremost, children who are unwell should not be attending school. Children who are presenting sick will have a call made to home by school admin and the expectation is that the child will need to be collected from school.
- The Administration Officers will be the staff members responsible for administering any prescribed medications to children.
- Non-prescribed oral medications (e.g., headache tablets) will not be administered by any other school staff except Admin Staff with the parent's permission and consent.
- No medication should be sent to school via a child or in a child’s bag. The parent is responsible for delivering medication to the school administration.
- All parent requests for the Administration Officer to administer prescribed medications to their child must be in writing on the form provided (see attached below) and must be supported by specific written instruction from the medical practitioner or pharmacist, including the name of the student, dosage, and time of medication to be administered (the original medication bottle or container should provide this information).
- All verbal requests for children to be administered prescribed medications while at school must be directed to the Administration Officers, who will, in turn, seek a meeting or discussion with parents to confirm the details of the request and outline school staff responsibilities.
- Requests for prescribed medications to be administered by the school ‘as needed’ will cause the Administration Officer to seek further written clarification from the parents.
- All student medications must be in the original containers, must be labelled, must have the quantity of tablets confirmed and documented, and must be stored in either the locked first aid cabinet or staff refrigerator, whichever is most appropriate.
- Consistent with our Asthma policy, students who provide written parent permission (in the form of an asthma management plan) may carry an asthma inhaler with them or may be administered by sick bay attendants as appropriate.
- School Admin Officers will inform classroom teachers when students in their class require prescribed medications, and classroom teachers will release students at prescribed times so that they may visit the school office and receive their medications.
- All completed Medication Request Forms and details relating to students, their prescribed medication, dosage quantities and times of administering will be kept and placed in the student file.
- In addition, administration of medication will be recorded in the medication booklet.
- Students involved in school camps or excursions will be discreetly administered prescribed medications by the ‘Teacher in Charge’ in a manner consistent with the above procedures, with all details recorded.
- Parents/carers of students who may require injections are required to meet with the principal to discuss the matter.
Could I please ask all parents/carers to ensure you read and understand our school's implementation procedures for medicines and their distribution?
If you are uncertain or unsure, please contact the school admin for clarification on (03) 5623 7222 or via email
Harmony Day (Friday, 21 March 2025) is part of Harmony Week, which celebrates Australia’s amazing cultural diversity. This week, schools celebrate inclusiveness, respect and a sense of belonging for all Australians, from the traditional custodians of the land to those who have come from many countries around the world.
With the motto ‘Everyone belongs’, Harmony Week encourages us to appreciate our differences and similarities, promote inclusiveness, and show mutual respect for everyone, regardless of race, colour, religion, or background.
Why we love Harmony Day
- It celebrates diversity
- You can celebrate your own way
- It unites cultures
Statistics show that diverse communities, companies and civilisations are happier, healthier and more prosperous. So, including everyone really does make the world a better place!
On Friday, March 21st, we will have a plain clothes day. Children can bring a gold coin to help support our local St Vincent De Paul. However, we want all our kids to wear at least one piece of orange clothing, as this is the harmony day colour. Start looking around and find some things to wear that are orange.
Harmony Day was first celebrated in Australia in 1999. People celebrate it by reflecting on the ways they can live in harmony with their neighbours. In 1998, the government commissioned a study into the nature of racism that highlighted a greater need for people to ‘live in harmony’. As a result, Harmony Day was created to encourage everyone to respect each other and appreciate the country’s vibrant multicultural background.
Here are some interesting statistics about Australia’s diversity today from the latest Census Data:
- 1% of Australia’s population were born overseas.
- 5 % of Australian residents were born overseas (first generation) or have a parent born overseas (second generation)
- We identify with over 300 ancestries in Australia
- 812,728 people identified as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander. This is an increase of 25.2% since 2016, representing 3.2% of the population.
- 167 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander languages were used at home by 76,978 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. The most widely reported language groups used were Arnhem Land and Daly River Region Languages (14.5%) and Torres Strait Island Languages (12.0%).
- Since 1945, more than 7.5 million people have migrated to Australia
- The top five most reported ancestries included English 33.0%, Australian 29.9%, Irish 9.5%, Scottish 8.6% and Chinese 5.5%.
- Mandarin is the most common language other than English spoken in Australia with 685,274 people using Mandarin at home.
- This is followed by Arabic (367,159 people), Vietnamese (320,758 people), and Cantonese (295,281 people).
- Punjabi had the largest increase, showing 239,033 people using Punjabi at home.
- Nepali featured in the top five languages used at home in both ACT (1.3%) and Tasmania (1.3%).
- 85% of Australians agree multiculturalism has been good for Australia
This is a reminder to all parents who park at the front of the school for drop off and pick up. It’s been reported that some parents are parking within the “No Parking / Standing Zone” very close to the school crossing in the mornings to drop off, obstructing the view of oncoming cars. In the interest of safety for all, can I please ask all parents using the front of the school to adhere to the no parking /standing zones? Also, I’ve had several complaints from residents living in the side streets near the school. Please don’t park across housing driveways. The council has said anyone caught doing this will be spot-fined.
Please find the latest enrolment updates for Marist-Sion College below:
Year 7, 2027 – Current Grade 5 Students
- Applications are open until Friday, 4 July 2025
- Apply via our website
- Applications are prioritised according to the DOSCEL Enrolment Policy
Year 7, 2026 – Current Grade 6 Students
- Applications closed on 30 August 2024, but limited places still remain
- Late applications are accepted until Friday 4 April 2025
- Apply via our school website
- Applications are prioritised according to the DOSCEL Enrolment Policy
Upcoming Enrolment Events
- Talk and Tours – Running until June
o Guided tours with student ambassadors
o Book via our website: Talk and Tours – Marist Sion College.
- Our Discovery Evening – Wednesday 2 April 2025. Is where children will hear from our Principal, staff, and students about life at Marist-Sion College.
More details will be shared on our website, social media, and the Warragul Gazette.
Kind regards, Marist-Sion College
Ms Wiedermann, our wonderful grade 5 teacher, has a very famous author mother. Sue Weiderman from Upper Beaconsfield recently had her first book published, “LET'S GO EXPLORING.”
The book is illustrated by the world-renowned graphic design artist Mr Andrew Hopgood and follows the journey of two children as they go exploring their neighbourhood, finding delight in the natural environment. Children can read this story while they use their visual perception skills, searching the illustrations for various items. It can also be used as a movement/drama/yoga activity to encourage children to explore their own. This could be in their own neighbourhood, backyard, playground or even an imaginary one inside. The scenes in the book could be recreated with life-size or small-world figures/objects, or children could use their imagination and make up their own scenes. They could even write of their own adventures in a story of their own.
Sue has over 30 years of experience as an early childhood teacher, working in mainstream kindergartens, early intervention programs, supported playgroups, parent support groups, supported swimming programs, and in TAFE mentoring children services students.
Storytelling has always been an important aspect of my teaching. If not with a storybook, then it can be orally with toys, objects, or puppets. So many pre-literacy and literacy skills are learnt through storytelling. Listening, recalling, sequencing, memorising, re-telling, for example. Stories with repetition and rhyme are a great way to support these literacy skills. It enables children to repeat and recall parts of the story even if they can’t remember all the words. The repetitive retelling of the story helps develop their language skills. Stories can also be related to and incorporated into so many aspects of the curriculum, as I’ve shown with some of my resources.
I have practised yoga for over 30 years and have recently become a yoga and meditation teacher with a special interest in yoga for children. I incorporate aspects of yoga and meditation in my sessions with children to help them develop self-awareness to support their self-regulation, moods, interactions with others and connection to the natural environment. I believe strongly that we need to support and develop children’s ecological identity alongside their own personal, family and cultural identity. Seeing that we are part of and connected to the natural world rather than superior to it may help develop future caretakers of our planet. Many young children are not given the opportunity to play outdoors in natural environments, which is having a detrimental impact on their learning and development. I hope my stories may invite and encourage children to explore and use their imagination in the great outdoors.
With a bit of luck and a sit-down with Sue’s manager, Mr. Roderick Weidermann, we might be able to invite her to present Let’s Go Exploring during book week or at a special library session for those with a passion for reading.
Monday 24th March 2025 - Scholastic Book Fair - STEM Room
Wednesday 26th March 2025 - Schoolpix onsite to complete school photos
Wednesday 2nd April 2025 - Marist-Sion College Discovery Day - 6.30pm
Thursday 3rd April 2025 - Stations of the Cross @ 11.30 am in the Church
Thursday 3rd April 2025 - Giant Easter Raffle Draw @ 12.30 pm in School Hall
Friday 4rd April 2025 - CLOSURE DAY Teacher Feedback Day (No students on-site)
Stations of the Cross will be held on Thursday, 3rd April, at 11.30 in the Church.
Holy Week is the most sacred time in the Christian calendar, marking Jesus' final days on earth and his ultimate sacrifice for humanity. It is a time of deep spiritual reflection, reminding us of his journey of love, suffering and redemption.
We will conclude with the 14th station, 'Jesus is buried. ' When we return to school, we will celebrate the resurrection.
This will be a prayerful way to conclude the school term and a means to begin preparing our homes and hearts for the upcoming events of Holy Week and Easter. All families are welcome to join us.
On Friday, 21st March, all children will have a free dress day at school. The cost for free dress is a minimum donation of ONE Easter Egg (you can offer more eggs if you wish). All donated eggs will then be bundled into hampers and raffled off on our final day of the term. The Raffle will be drawn on Thursday, 3rd April, at 12:30 pm in the school hall, following our Stations of the Cross Liturgy, which starts at 11:30 am in the Church.
In the coming days, all St Ita’s families will receive a book of 10 tickets sold for $1 per ticket. All the tickets and money must be returned to the school office by Monday 31st March at the latest. If any families would like more raffle tickets, please have your child pick up another booklet at the Admin Office or contact Admin via email or phone at ( or 5623 7222).
Good luck to all, and I hope you are a winner!
8.50 am | Morning Bell - Learning Begins |
10.50 am - 11 am | Eating Time (10 mins) & Recess |
11.20 am - 1.20 pm | Learning Time |
1.20 pm - 2.20 pm | Eating Time (10 mins) & Lunch |
2.20 pm - 3.20 pm | Learning Time |
3.20 pm | Afternoon Bell - Hometime |
Our teaching staff have put together information slides for each grade level to help provide families with important information about our school. The slides include information relevant to each grade level, such as specialist timetables, classroom expectations, and special activities that may be happening. We encourage families to look at these slides as they will assist in answering many common questions about school life at St. Ita's.
CLICK HERE to view the slides
We understand that, from time to time, students need to take medication while they are at school. If so, please contact the Admin Office to complete a Medication Administration Form.
FTP | Charlie Ketteringham | Grady Unwin | |
FT | Giorgia Dorazio | Pippa English | |
FK | Hattie Bastin | Ruby Dawson | |
1G | Matilda Knight | Posie Alfred-Tracey | Sophia Reid |
2TK | Layla Alicata | Fern Godwin | |
2MK | Milla Buxton | Lukah Drain | |
2AC | Peyton Masterson | Adelyn Denehy |
We understand, and are aware that our school uniform retailer, Beleza, has recently experienced shortages and stock ordering issues with some of our school uniforms core items. Beleza have confirmed that they will communicate with us as soon as items have been received, and we will notify families so that we can aim to have all students in full school uniform as soon as possible.
School Fees have now been emailed to all families. If you have not received your fee statement, please contact the admin office as soon as possible to ensure we send it to you for payment.
This is a reminder that all school fees paid on or before 31 March 2025 are entitled to a 5% discount ($56).
There is still time to set up Direct Debits if you would like to use this method of payment. We offer weekly, monthly, and fortnightly options, and credit card and bank account options are available.
We encourage all families with a current Concession Card to complete the paperwork for the CSEF Concession Program. Rules and conditions apply, so please read the attached information carefully. If you have any questions, please contact the Admin Office on (03) 5326 7222.
We encourage all families to review the attached Travel Conveyance Allowance Application Form to see if they meet the government's requirements to receive an allowance for driving their children to and from school daily. Please review the eligibility criteria carefully, and if you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Admin Office at (03) 5326 7222.
Teacher: Mrs Catherine McKenna
Congratulations to Holly Hateley!
We are thrilled to announce that Holly participated in the Big Summer Read!
Over the summer break, Holly completed the challenge and has been awarded a prize from the local library for her outstanding efforts.
Holly's passion for reading and her dedication to visiting the library are truly commendable!
We would love to hear about any reading achievements from our students. Please share your stories with us!
Happy reading,
Mrs. McKenna
Now – down the mountain.
Peter’s, often blundering, steps strike a chord with me. I feel I know Peter. And, as a pretty ordinary photographer and painter and an average wordsmith, I understand Peter’s impulse to somehow capture the astounding event he and James and John are witnessing (Luke 9:28-36). Often, I try to capture sunsets, beach scenes, landscapes and even grandchildren. I want to record them at their peak moments, but I rarely succeed to my satisfaction. Peter probably thinks this is Jesus’ peak moment, hence his somewhat silly suggestion to build dwellings or tents or memorials signifying the great prophets, Moses and Elijah and Jesus. He is quickly shut down. Moses and Elijah disappear, and Peter’s creative moment is gone. Confirmation of Jesus greatness is the beginning not the end. Immediately, Jesus is identified as the Chosen One and they are instructed to listen to him so that they (and we) may learn to truly follow Christ on his continuing journey.
What Peter has failed to realize, as many of us often do, is that what is important is not so much that Jesus is transfigured, but that we be transfigured – that’s what Jesus came to do: to transform us more and more into his image and likeness, that we might become, as C.S. Lewis said, “Little Christs.” This glorious “Transfiguration” event might seem a little left field in the context of Luke’s narrative, sandwiched as it is between Jesus forecasts of his imminent death. But it points us forward to along this Lenten journey, emphasising the glory in prospect for each of us, but recognising too that we need to pass through harsh times before the glory. Peter, James and John (and we) need to come down from the mountain, joining Jesus in his journey of love and service and walking together towards whatever future God plans for us.
Deacon Mark Kelly
Sacrament of First Reconciliation
Extra Ceremony
Families with candidates preparing for their First Reconciliation, please note that due to our numbers, an extra ceremony has been added. Families can choose to attend at 5pm or 7pm; both will be held at St. Ita’s Church, Drouin.
Families are asked to RSVP to Liz with the time they will attend.
Sacrament of First Holy Communion 2025
Attention: Families with Students in Grade 4 and Above.
Dear Parents/Guardians,
If you would like your child to receive the Sacrament of First Holy Communion this year, please attend our Information Meeting on Thursday, 27th March, at 7pm in St. Ita’s School Hall, Drouin. This meeting is for parents and guardians only (not candidates). Our guest speaker is Rev. Dr. Fr. Elio Capra, SDB, a knowledgeable and engaging speaker. At this gathering, we will distribute information packs containing enrolment forms and outline the events and details concerning this wonderful Sacrament. A letter with more information should have been sent home by now. If you have not received one, please check with your school or catechist class.
For further enquiries, please feel free to contact Liz.
Ph: 5623 1642
Sacrament Key Dates:
Sacrament of Reconciliation: Reconciliation ceremony Thursday 20th March, 7 pm St. Ita’s Church
Sacrament of First Holy Communion: Parent Information Meeting Thursday 27th March, 7 pm Marian Room St. Joseph’s Church Warragul
Communion Masses will be held on the weekends of 31st May/1st June and 7th/8th June
Sacrament of Confirmation: Parent Information Meeting Thursday 19th June, 7 pm Marian Room St. Joseph’s Church Warragul
Confirmation Mass with the Bishop Friday 15th August, St. Ita’s Church, Drouin, 7 pm
Other dates will be provided closer to the time.
For more information, contact Liz at the Parish Office 5623 1642 or email
Live Your Best Life in Love...
A Marriage Encounter weekend is for you…
Every married couple deserves this very special weekend.
Time out to nurture your most precious relationship away from daily distractions.
The two of you will come away from your weekend feeling more deeply connected
and with tools to help keep the passion alive.
No group sharing is required.
The weekend is based on Catholic values. Couples of all faiths are welcome.
Please check our website for more details and to book your special weekend:
Our next weekend is: 25-27 April 2025 at St Paul's Retreat Centre, Wantirna South.
Starts Friday at 7 pm and finishes Sunday afternoon around 4.30 pm
Information/Bookings: Phone Mercy & James 0409 183 676 or
Email: Website:
Camp Australia Co-Ordinator: Carmelina De Cesari
Contact Number: 1300 105 343
Due to our increasing numbers and the increased demand for before and after-school care services, our families are encouraged to book early to ensure Camp Australia can accommodate our growing student numbers utilising their services.
We also encourage families utilising before and after-school care services to communicate with their children if they will be attending after-school care, students are often unsure of their collection arrangements which can be stressful for small children. For our Foundation students, we suggest a note in their lunchbox or a Class Dojo to let their teachers know about collection arrangements.