St Ita's Primary School Drouin
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50 Victoria Street
Drouin VIC 3818

Phone: 03 5623 7222

T3 W1 2024 Newsletter

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T3 W1 2024 Newsletter


St Ita’s Catholic Primary School acknowledges and pays respect to the past, present and future Traditional Custodians and Elders of this nation and the continuation of cultural, spiritual and educational practices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. 



    Welcome back to what has been a very wet and chilly start to the second semester of school. There will be lots happening in and around our school in Term 3 and the calendar is filling up quickly. Our grade 5-6 swimming program starts next week.

    The big-ticket item is our whole school concert at the West Gippsland Art Centre. Many details have been sent home to parents over the last month and class teachers have been sending class dojo messages of any specific needs for each grade level. Tickets for the day time matinee are still available but the night session is close to sold out. A big shout out to Mrs Kiezenberg for all her efforts in pulling this year’s school concert together. She has done an amazing job on top of a busy teaching load.

    We welcome back Ms. Hayley Roberts from her long service leave and thank Mrs Vann for covering her last term. We also welcome Mrs. Radhika Edwards to grade 3-4 team and Ms. Kristy Nicholson who will do two days Art supporting Mrs Leary who has reduced her days.

    Our new school build looks amazing and there was a lot of progress during the break. The interior plastering is now finished and the painters are onsite and working inside. Ben the Builder is very happy with progress as the interior jobs can now be done without being impacted by wet days.


    Student NAPLAN test results will be sent home to parents in the next week. This document will be enveloped and addressed to parents. Please keep these documents safe as you may need to source them at a later date when your child transitions to secondary school.


    Thanks to Mrs Lewry and the Parish sacramental team for delivering a beautiful reconciliation service for all our confirmation candidates. It was a terrific role up by families before next weekends Confirmation which will be held on Friday 26th July starting at 7.00pm in the St Ita’s Church.

    We keep all our confirmation candidates in our prayers as the take the next step in their Sacramental journey.


    1. Monday 22nd Jul - Friday 26th July - Grade 5/6 Swimming Program
    2. Monday 29th July - Whole School Dress Rehearsal
    3. Wednesday 31st July - Concert Practise at WGAC
    4. Thursday 1st August- Concert 12pm and 7pm at WGAC
    5. Friday 23rd August - Book week dress up
    6. Friday 20th Sept - Last day Term 3
    7. Monday 7th Oct - Term 4 starts all students
    8. Monday 4th Nov - Pupil free day
    9. Tuesday 5th Nov - Melbourne Cup
    10. Tuesday 17th Dec - Last day of term 4

    BOOK WEEK 2024

    The 2024 Children's Book Week theme; Reading is Magic, we're celebrating reading stories and their amazing power to transport minds.

    Book Week Dress up day will be Friday 23rd August. 


    This Wednesday we have our Mini Vinnie team taking up a collection for St Vincent de Paul Winter Appeal. Instead of a gold coin donation, can families provide a non-perishable food item for the St Vincent de Paul Pantry to aid those less fortunate than us and are in need of food items. 


    This Monday 22nd July, some of the Hawthorn AFLW players are coming to St Ita's for a Q&A session.

    Any students interested in meeting some players and asking questions about AFL can come to the hall at lunch time. If you support the Hawks and would like to get an autograph bring along your Hawks gear.



    St Ita’s Primary presents:  Dream It, Believe It

    One of the biggest events on the St Ita’s social calendar is the annual concert. Below are answers to some frequently asked questions to assist families in becoming familiar with concert time. This year we will have a matinee performance at 12pm and an evening performance at 7 pm on 1st August, 2024. at the West Gippsland Art Centre in Warragul.

    If your questions haven’t been answered below, please DOJO your child’s class teacher.

    Where is the concert held at and at what time/s?

    The concert is held at the West Gippsland Arts Centre (WGAC) in Warragul on Thursday 1st August 2024. The first concert performance is a Matinee show at 12.00 pm and the second concert is an evening performance which begins at 7.00 pm. We recommend Grandparents and younger pre-school siblings attend the matinee performance.

    How long is the concert?

    It is estimated that each concert performance goes for approximately 90 minutes. 

    Do students have to attend both Concert performances?

    Yes. All students are expected to attend the Concert and perform in both shows. Please discuss with your child’s teacher if you have any concerns.

    Where do we get tickets and is there a limit on how many?

    Tickets are now available and can be purchased through the West Gippsland Art Centre (WGAC) Warragul. You can purchase at the WGAC box office, online or by phone. The tickets will go on sale on 15th July 2024.

    Tickets will be $17 each for adults and children per show.  There is also a $12 ticket available for Pensioner Concession Card Holder’s attending the matinee performance at 12pm (please choose ‘concession’ once seats are selected.  A valid pensioner card must be produced when presenting ticket for entry).                                                                  

    All evening tickets are the same price.

    Children 2 years old and under are able to sit on a parent’s lap at no charge. Children 3 years of age and above are the same price as an adult & will require their own ticket to be purchased. There is no limit to the amount of tickets you can purchase. Visit or phone: 5624 2456. Additional fees may apply for phone bookings. Seat maps are available on-line. 

    (Please note you do not need to purchase tickets for St Ita’s students as they will all be backstage ready to perform & not in the auditorium).

    Can younger siblings come to the concert?

    Younger siblings can come to the concert. If they are 3 years of age and above, you must pay $17 for their own seat. (2 years and under are no charge but must sit on a parent’s lap). The 12pm session is recommended for younger siblings to attend if required. 

    Does each class do their own performance or is it all mixed together?

    Each Class does their own performance/act except for the Grade 5-6’s. This year, the Grade 6 students with speaking parts will not perform in their class acts. The remaining 5-6 students will be combined in class acts. At the end of the production, the children will all sing the same finale.

    Do parents have to go to each session?

    No, they don’t, but can if they want to. Most parents choose one (either the 12 pm or 7 pm) session to watch their child perform. Both performances are the same. Tickets must be purchased via the West Gippsland Arts Centre for each concert you would like to attend.

    Do parents need to supply a costume?

    Mrs Monique Kiezenberg, our Concert Director provides some costumes & your child’s class teacher will advise if families are required to organise their own costumes. More particular details will be sent home via your child’s class teacher. Please make sure your costumes are in a clearly labeled plastic bag and are ready for the dress rehearsal at school on Monday 29th July.

    When do we need our costumes?

    There will be a full-dress rehearsal at St Ita’s in the school hall on Monday 29th July. Students are to bring their full costume to school on this day. Teachers will assist their grades in changing on the day. We ask parents not to come to the dress rehearsal as the school hall is not big enough and we don’t want to spoil the surprise of the concert for you before the event.

    What is the concert practice the day prior to the Concert?

    The day prior to the concert (Wednesday 31st July) the children are taken in their grades, down to the West Gippsland Art Centre by shuttle bus in the morning to have a familiarisation of the Arts Centre and to practice coming on/off the stage.  All children will return to school by shuttle bus throughout the day. Generally, the younger grades are by lunchtime, and the senior grades are in the afternoon. A permission note will be sent home in the next few weeks prior via PAM. The school will finish at the normal 3.20 pm finish on Wednesday 31th July. Children cannot be collected from the Arts Centre & must return to school for pick up. Please note siblings will be returning at different times throughout the day.


    Do students come to school on Concert day & what do they bring?

    Yes, we will require all students to be at school on Thursday 1st August by 9 am.

    Students are to come to school dressed in their school or sports uniform (clearly labeled) and to bring with them their full costume if not already at school (in a clearly labeled plastic bag) with hair/details ready for the concert.

    Students are to bring a snack which will be eaten at school, prior to arriving at the Arts Centre.

    Students are to bring a sandwich clearly labeled with their name, which will be eaten during the Concert at the Arts Centre, and a water bottle (clearly labeled). If possible, please bring snack & a sandwich in a disposable container or wrapper, clearly labelled, and so it can be thrown out after lunch. Please do bring any messy foods, lollies or sugary soft drinks.

    Students will change into their costumes at school and then will depart by bus from School to the Arts Centre to arrive by 11.30 am in time for the Matinee Concert. (Parents please check with your classroom teacher if any parent helpers are required at school on the morning of the Concert, a Working with Children’s Card is required).

    Parents/families are not permitted backstage before/during/after the Matinee.

    After the Matinee Concert, children will depart by bus from the Arts Centre back to school to arrive by 3pm. Children will change back into their uniforms at school and take their costumes home for the evening performance.

    Where do parents/family go when we arrive for the 12pm show?

    Parents & ticket holders make their way up to the foyer area of the Arts Centre with their tickets and wait for the theatre doors to open. Please allow time for parking & seating. Parents will not be permitted backstage before/during/after the show. 

    What time does School finish on concert day?

    On concert day (Thursday 1st August) the children are taken down to the West Gippsland Art Centre by bus in the morning ready to perform in the Matinee show at 12pm. All children will return to school after the Matinee concert by shuttle bus between 2-3 pm. Children can only be picked up from school at 3.20 pm after the Matinee. School will finish at the normal 3.20 pm finish time. Due to child safety & logistics, all students will return to school by bus after the Matinee and can only be collected from school. No students will be dismissed from the Arts Centre after the Matinee.

    Parents are then required to bring their children back to the Arts Centre at 6.30 pm ready for the 7 pm evening performance. Children are then collected from the Arts Centre after the evening show at approximately 8.45 pm.


    What time do the children need to be at the concert – evening show?

    Children are required to be in the Fountain Room at the West Gippsland Art Centre Warragul by 6.30 pm sharp on Thursday 1st August. The drop-off point is at the Fountain room between 6.20 pm and 6.30 pm. The Fountain Room is located downstairs, to the right-hand side of the Arts Centre, off Civic Place. Students are dropped off to their teacher at the Fountain Room door and parents are not permitted to stay. At the end of the evening show the students are picked up from the entrance of the Fountain Room at 8.45 pm. Please have your children dressed and ready when they are dropped off.

    Can parents stay with their children when they drop them off?

    No, it is important for organisational reasons that parents do not stay down in the Fountain Room. It is also important parents don’t come down to the Fountain Room during the show. The room has limited space so we ask that parents just drop off at the door so class teachers can organise their grades & prepare for the Concert to begin.  

    Where do parents/family go when we arrive for the show?

    Parents & ticket holders make their way up to the foyer area of the Arts Centre with their tickets and wait for the theatre doors to open. Please allow time for parking & seating. 

    Do we need to be dressed in our costumes when we arrive at 6.30 pm?

    Yes, children will come to the evening concert at 6.30pm dressed in their costume ready to perform. Some bulkier items may need to be left at the venue and placed on the students just before they go on to the stage, your teacher will advise if this is the case.  Please bring a simple change of clothes for after the evening concert or a warm jacket– eg: dressing gown, loose pants/top/PJs. Students will not be permitted to take any school provided costumes home after the evening concert, so please make sure they have a change of clothes if required. Please make sure all personal items are clearly labelled in an easy identifiable bag.

    Do students need to wear make-up?

    Some of the main Grade six characters will need make-up. If your child is required to wear any stage makeup your child’s class teacher will let you know within the next few weeks. Other grades do not wear make-up and it is not encouraged (especially as we need to keep costumes clean for 2 shows).

    Do we have to have hair (and make-up) done before we arrive at 6.30 pm?

    Yes, there will not be enough time to do hair (and make-up if required) before the performance so please make sure this is prepared before your child arrives at the Arts Centre at 6.30 pm. Your child must be dressed and ready to perform on arrival.

    What else do the children need to bring with them at 6.30 pm?

    Children will need to eat an early dinner at home before they arrive at 6.30 pm. Children will need to bring a bottle of water (clearly labeled), a small “healthy” snack/piece of fruit, and a change of clothes if required/warm jacket for after the concert. Please make sure any bags/items brought along are clearly labeled.

    (Other food and drink are not permitted to avoid spills and litter).

    Note: Please bring a simple change of clothes for after the evening concert or a warm jacket– eg: dressing gown, jacket, loose pants/top/PJs. Students will not be permitted to take any school provided costumes home after the evening concert, so please make sure they have a change of clothes if required. Please make sure all personal items are clearly labelled in an easy identifiable bag. 

    Do the children go back to their parents after their act or at the end of the Concert?

    No. Students will remain with their class teachers until after the concert. Parents will need to pick their child up from the Fountain Room doors at 8.45 pm.

    What do the children do backstage?

    The children will be in the Fountain room reading books, colouring in, and watching a movie provided by their teacher. The emphasis is on staying calm and saving their energy for the stage.

    Can parents/friends visit their children backstage?

    No, there is not enough room to have parents/grandparents/family visit the Fountain Room.

    Where do we pick up our children from and at what time on Thursday 1st August?

    The students will be waiting in the Fountain Room for pick up at 8.45 pm. Due to logistics, we ask that only one/two parents come to the Fountain room door at the end of the Concert to collect the children. Please have other family members wait upstairs, outside, or in the car away from the exit to allow room for the students to exit. Please be patient and allow students to change, collect their belongings, and exit, only a limited number of parents will be allowed in at one time to avoid congestion.

    Can parents take photos /videos of the concert?

    No, there is to be no flash photography or video cameras to be used in the auditorium. Professional DVDs will be available to purchase through the school a few weeks after the concert.

    Is there any food/drinks to buy at the concert for parents?

    The café at the Art Centre will be open for coffee/snacks for Patrons, before the show.

    Will there be a DVD or photos to purchase of the concert?

    DVDs will be available to purchase through the school office. Class teachers will take photos at dress rehearsal and in the Fountain room. No flash photography is permitted in the Theatre.

    Will classroom teachers send out notes detailing costumes etc?

    During the next few weeks, class teachers will send home letters / Dojo messages to parents detailing any costume requirements. Please give your teachers time to send this home if they have not done so already. Full costumes are required at school for Monday 29th, July dress rehearsal & on Concert day, Thursday 1st August.



    All student absences should be communicated to the office by 10 am daily.  In addition to Class Dojo, student absences can be communicated via the Parent Access Module (PAM) which comes directly to the Administration Office.  In addition to daily absences, PAM can be used to record family holidays and occurrences which are likely to be multiple day absences.


    School Fees for Term 1 & 2 are now due and payable. Statements have been forwarded to all fee payers, please ensure you check your statement and bring your account up to date as necessary. All school fees must be finalised in the year that they are incurred.

    Direct debit payments can be arranged at any time, please contact Beck Bradley (03) 5623 7222 or to discuss payment options.


    2024 School Fees Concession Program Financial Hardship

    Eligible Centrelink Concession Card (CCC) Holder

    Information for Applicants

    Aim: To assist school families experiencing financial hardship in accessing a Catholic Primary education for their child/ren.

    Confidentiality: At all times, the dignity and privacy of those seeking a fee concession will be respected.

    Level of Concession:  School office staff can advise applicants of the concessional fee to be charged. This concessional fee is fixed annually by the Diocese of Sale Catholic Education Limited. Approved applicants will be charged only the concessional fee which will cover all standard school fees and levies including any charges remaining for camps, sports, and excursions after the application of the Camps, Sports, Excursion Fund (CSEF) benefit.

    Eligible Concession Cards:  Centrelink issues a number of concession cards for a variety of reasons. Some cards have a generous or no income test and therefore holders of these cards are ineligible for a fee concession under Category One. Only CCC’s that are eligible for CSEF are eligible for the School Fees Concession Program. 

    The following CCC’s are the most common cards that are eligible for CSEF. The CCC type is specified as a two or three-letter code printed on the concession card.

    • YA or YAL – Youth Allowance
    • PPS – Parenting Payment Single
    • PPP – Parenting Payment Partnered
    • DSP – Disability Support Pension
    • NSA – New Start Allowance
    • LI – Low Income
    • FA – Family Tax Benefit
    • SA or SKA - Sickness Allowance
    • CAR - Carer Allowance
    • ABA or ABY - Schooling Applicant
    • AGE - Age Pension
    • AUS - Austudy
    • HCC - Health Care Card
    • PTA - Partnered Allowance
    • SPL - Special Benefit
    • WID or WFD or WFA – Widow Allowance/Pension
    • The CCC must be issued in the name of the fee payer and list the students for whom the concession is to be applied.
    • The expiry date of the card must be on or after 1 January of the year (2024) for which the concession is to be applied.
    • If an eligible concession card expires after the start of the year, the concessional fee rate will still be applied for the entire year.
    • If a family becomes eligible during the course of a school year, then a pro-rata concession may be granted.

    Lodgement of Application: Applications for 2024 close on Friday 28th June 2024, please lodge your application immediately for your card to be checked and a pro-rata concession to be applied if applicable.

    The following application forms must be completed and are available from the school office:

    • Complete the school’s application form & the Direct Debit Request (DDR) Service Agreement (or Centrepay application form)
    • Submit the completed forms and present a valid CCC for verifying and copying.
    • Complete and return the CSEF application form immediately after receiving it from the school.

    Important Notes:

    • The concession is automatic for a parent/guardian responsible for the school fees, who holds an eligible CCC.
    • Any offer of a concession is subject to the applicant entering into a DDR Service Agreement or CentrePay arrangement for a regular payment plan of remaining fees (either weekly or fortnightly payments preferred). Any default in payment may result in the concession being withdrawn.
    • The Direct Debit form is available from the school office or the CentrePay application form is available online at
    • A CSEF application must be submitted for a concession to be granted.
    • A new application must be made for each school year.
    • Where the fee account is split, the concession applies to only that portion payable by the eligible cardholder.
    • All families requesting, or receiving, a fee concession must notify the school should their financial circumstances change sufficiently to affect the level of concession offered or if cards are cancelled.

    Please complete the below concession request forms and return to admin together with a copy of your valid concession card before Friday 28th June 2024.







    Parents empathise with Jesus’ predicament in this gospel from Mark (Mark 6:30-34). Murphy’s law applies that when parents are exhausted and all they want is rest, their children make demands on them. Parents rise to the occasion, as Jesus does when the people want more. Nevertheless, he and we need rest.

    Rest is a good thing! It is not laziness. Hopefully we all have purpose in our lives and spend much time and effort pursuing that: studying, exploring, parenting, making a living and compassionately outreaching to the world.

    Our value though is inherent in us, not a function of what or how much we do. We “do” in response to the needs we prayerfully discern when we spend quiet, reflective time with God. Recharging our batteries.

    God already knows us intimately and isn’t impressed by our crushing workload, our imposing titles, or our remarkable achievements in work and play. Astoundingly, what God wants is quality time with us. Quality time in 2024 might mean no devices or media – even for a whole day (horror of horrors!), alone with none but our God. If this sounds difficult (as it does for me) then you probably really need it!

    Deep within we crave this time of stepping aside from all our tasks and activities, into a quiet place, quietening our minds, allowing Jesus to nourish us with his life-giving word. Perhaps (and parents know this well) a total rest day is an unattainable luxury at present. Then we need to find other ways and strategies. To build in an early morning and/or a late evening time of prayer and quiet reflection on the day to come [or the day past] and our place in it with God.


    Deacon Mark Kelly


    Parents, listed below are some dates for your diary regarding the Sacramental program for Confirmation and First Holy Communion 2024

    Confirmation 2024

    The Confirmation ceremony, celebrated by Bishop Greg Bennett, will be held on Friday, 26th July, at 7 pm in Marist Sion Hall.

    First Holy Communion

    Preparation for First Holy Communion will begin with an Information Meeting for parents on Thursday 29th August, at 7 pm. Our guest speaker is Rev. Dr. Fr. Elio Capra, SDB. First Holy Communion Masses will be held on the weekend of 26th/27th October.

    More details concerning these sacraments will be provided closer to the time.  For further enquiries contact Liz - Ph: 5623 1642, Email: 



    These letters stand for the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, the ancient Rite of welcoming people into the Church. The Catholic Parishes of Warragul and Drouin warmly invites anyone interested in discovering more about the Catholic faith, what Catholics believe and Why, expressing an interest in becoming a Catholic, or an Adult Catholic who has not yet received the sacraments of First Eucharist or Confirmation, to attend an Information evening on Wednesday 31st July 7.30pm Marian Room (attached to St. Joseph’s Church Warragul: (enter car park from Bowen Street). For further information you can contact Joan Robertson or Fr. Brendan at the Parish Office: (03) 5623 1642.



    Check out our Catholic Parishes of Warragul & Drouin Facebook presence.



    Camp Australia Co-Ordinator: Carmelina De Cesari

    Contact Number: 1300 105 343



    Due to our increasing numbers and the increased demand for before and after-school care services, our families are encouraged to book early to ensure Camp Australia can accommodate our growing student numbers utilising their services.

    We also encourage families utilising before and after-school care services to communicate with their children if they will be attending after-school care, students are often unsure of their collection arrangements which can be stressful for small children.  For our Foundation students, we suggest a note in their lunchbox or a Class Dojo to let their teachers know about collection arrangements.


