St Ita's Primary School Drouin
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50 Victoria Street
Drouin VIC 3818

Phone: 03 5623 7222

T2 W6 2024 Newsletter

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T2 W6 2024 Newsletter


St Ita’s Catholic Primary School acknowledges and pays respect to the past, present and future Traditional Custodians and Elders of this nation and the continuation of cultural, spiritual and educational practices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. 



    Over the last few months, we have noticed a significant increase in incidents involving students, both male and female, using aggressive, physical violence towards each other.

    This is unacceptable behaviour and will not be tolerated in our learning community. Last week Mr Pitt and I spent a significant amount of time speaking with several students, who have been using physical aggression towards other students.

    If students are involved in physical or verbal assaults towards one another, or St Ita’s staff, parents of the children involved will be notified immediately, and serious consequences will be put in place to reinforce that these sorts of behaviours and actions are not acceptable at St Ita’s.

    I would ask all parents to have a conversation with their child/ren about having respect for one another and never turning to violence as retaliation when you are unhappy with another person.

    Teachers across our school will be focusing on this issue at all levels, and I thank all parents for working with us to give the strong message that violent behaviours are never acceptable in our school.


    As hard as it may be to hear this news, it's important to deal with it right away. Whether the bullying is physical or verbal, if it's not stopped it can lead to more aggressive anti-social behaviour and interfere with your child's success in school and ability to form and keep friendships.

    Kids bully for many reasons. Some bully because they feel insecure. Picking on someone who seems emotionally or physically weaker also might provide a feeling of being more important, popular, or in control. In other cases, kids bully because they simply don't know that it's not OK to pick on kids who are different because of size, looks, race, or religion.

    In some cases, bullying is a part of a pattern of defiant or aggressive behaviour. These kids are likely to need help learning to manage anger and hurt, frustration, or other strong emotions. They may not have the skills they need to cooperate with others. Therapy often can help them learn to deal with their feelings, curb their bullying, and improve their social skills.

    Some kids who bully are copying behaviour that they see at home. Kids who see aggressive and unkind interactions in the family often learn to treat others the same way. And kids who are taunted learn that bullying can translate into control over children they see as weak.

    Helping Kids Stop Bullying

    Let your child know that bullying is not OK and can bring serious consequences at home, school, and in the community if it continues.

    Try to understand the reasons behind your child's behaviour. In some cases, kids bully because they have trouble managing strong emotions like anger, frustration, or insecurity. In other cases, kids haven't learned cooperative ways to work out conflicts and understand differences.

    Be sure to:

    • Take bullying seriously. Make sure your kids understand that you will not tolerate bullying at home or anywhere else. Set rules about bullying and stick to them. If you punish your child by taking away privileges, be sure it's meaningful. For example, if your child bullies’ other kids via email, text messages, or a social networking site, stop phone or computer privileges for a period of time. If your child acts aggressively at home, with siblings or others, put a stop to it. Teach more appropriate (and nonviolent) ways to react, like walking away.
    • Teach kids to treat others with respect and kindness. Teach your child that it is wrong to ridicule differences like race, religion, appearance, special needs, gender, economic status. Try to instil a sense of empathy for those who are different. Consider getting involved together in a community group where your child can interact with kids who are different.
    • Learn about your child's social life. Look for insight into what may be influencing your child's behaviour at school (or wherever the bullying happens). Talk with parents of your child's friends and peers, teachers, guidance counsellors, and the school principal. Do other kids bully? What about your child's friends? What kinds of pressures do the kids face at school? Talk to your kids about those relationships and about the pressures to fit in. Get them involved in activities outside of school so that they meet and develop friendships with other kids.
    • Encourage good behaviour. Positive reinforcement can be more powerful than negative discipline. Catch your kids being good. When they handle situations in positive ways, take notice and praise them for it.
    • Communicate with the school. If bullying is happening at school, work with administrators and teachers to develop an action plan. If your child knows you will be aware of their behaviour at school, this can help to increase their accountability for bullying behaviour and help promote more prosocial choices.

    Starting at Home

    It's natural — and common — for kids to fight with their siblings at home. And unless there's a risk of physical violence, it's wise not to get involved. But keep an eye on the name-calling and fighting, and talk to each child regularly about what's acceptable and what's not.

    Keep your own behaviour in check too. Think about how you talk around your kids and how you handle conflict and problems. Kids who live with yelling, name-calling, putdowns, harsh criticism, or physical anger from a sibling or parent/caregiver may act that out in other settings.

    If you behave aggressively — toward or in front of your kids — chances are they'll follow your example. Instead, point out positives in others, not negatives. When conflicts arise in your own life, be open about your frustration and how you cope with your feelings.

    There will be situations that need discipline and helpful criticism. But don't let that slip into name-calling and accusations. If you don't like your child's behaviour, stress that it's the behaviour that you'd like your child to change, and you have confidence that they can do it.

    Who Else Can Help?

    If a stressful life event at home may affect your child's behaviour, get help from resources at school and in your community. Guidance counsellors, pastors, therapists, and your doctor can help. If your child has a history of arguing, defiance, and trouble controlling anger, consider getting an evaluation with a therapist or behavioural health professional.

    As frustrating as it can be to help kids stop bullying, remember that bad behaviour won't stop on its own. Think about the success and happiness you want your kids to find in school, work, and relationships throughout life. Curbing bullying now is progress toward those goals.




    At the end of last term, the school improvement team met and it was unanimously decided that we wanted to nominate Robyn Lewry for the 2024 Spirit of Catholic Education - Inspiring Faith Award, which was presented last week during Catholic Education Week.

    Robyn was successful, and last week she received this wonderful award which acknowledges her outstanding contribution to Catholic Education and recognises the significant difference she has made to student learning and collegial support. We would also like to take this time to formally acknowledge the wonderful work that Robyn has undertaken in her various leadership roles at St Joseph’s Warragul, the CEO Sale Diocese and St Ita’s Drouin.

    On behalf of everyone in the St Ita’s Community, can I say thank you Robyn, for all your efforts along our journey and for the continuous kindness and support you have given so many along the way. This award couldn’t go to a more deserving recipient.



    A HUGE thank you to everyone who put the effort into getting the school’s trivia night up and running. It takes a lot of time and effort to coordinate an event like this, and everyone’s efforts are beyond appreciated. What a FUN night it was!!!

    Congratulations to our winning table. Lots of giggles and fun were had across the evening.

    A big thank you to all our sponsors who generously donated items for our prizes and raffles.

    We are so excited as a school that we have such a great sense of community and love welcoming our families to be part of it. We hope everyone had a great night.


    1. Monday 10th June - King's Birthday
    2. Tuesday 11th June - Pupil Free day
    3. Thursday 27th June - Last day Term 2
    4. Friday 28th June - Pupil free day
    5. Monday 15th July - Pupil free day
    6. Tuesday 16th July - Term 3 starts all students
    7. Friday 20th Sept - Last day Term 3
    8. Monday 7th Oct - Term 4 starts all students
    9. Monday 4th Nov - Pupil free day
    10. Tuesday 5th Nov - Melbourne Cup
    11. Tuesday 17th Dec - Last day term 4


    20th - 24th May - Catholic Education Week
    Friday 24th May - Whole School Assembly
    Tuesday 4th June - Grade 5/6 Bellbird Park Sports Day
    Friday 7th June - Whole School Assembly
    Friday 14th June - Book Week Author Visit (Nat Amoore)
    Monday 24th & Wednesday 26th June - Parent Teacher Interviews
    **REMINDER** Thursday 30th May - School Photos 



    This year's theme is  ‘See, I am making all things New’ (Revelation 21:5) A New Dialogue of Love, Hope and Joy.

    Catholic Schools in the Diocese of Sale celebrated Catholic Education Week from 17 May to 24 May 2024. It is an opportunity to celebrate the wonderful achievements of Catholic schools and

    highlight the inspiring life of Catholic schools today.   The theme emphasises the belief that transformation and renewal are possible in all aspects of life through individual choices. By following the life and teachings of Jesus, and embracing principles of compassion, peace, goodness, and justice, individuals can contribute to a more hopeful and joyful world, sowing seeds of positivity and hope. Unfortunately this year we had to postpone our grandparents day until a later date . Classes created year level posters and were filmed expressing why they love their Catholic school. Our choir also filmed an item, this video will be sent home for parents to view.




    This is a group of people who give their time to help the needy in our community with food and other expenses.  We meet fortnightly on Thursdays at 10.00 am and we visit those in need three times per week.  If there is anyone who would be interested in coming to our meeting and helping with our visits and helping those in need, we would love to hear from you. Both Catholics and non-Catholics are welcome.

    If you are interested please contact Barbara Durand on 0414 965 079 or email


    All student absences should be communicated to the office by 10 am daily.  In addition to Class Dojo, student absences can be communicated via the Parent Access Module (PAM) which comes directly to the Administration Office.  In addition to daily absences, PAM can be used to record family holidays and occurrences which are likely to be multiple day absences.



    On Thursday, May 30th, Schoolpix will be attending to capture our student’s school photos. 

    All students must be dressed in full WINTER school uniform.

    All students must also be wearing black school shoes and their jumpers.

    Please do not send your child to school dressed in sports uniform.

    Children who usually have PE classes on a Thursday are asked to please bring their sports shoes in their schoolbag. It is most important that all students are dressed in a presentable and uniform manner.

    GIRLS. . . . . . WINTER

    Blue tartan tunic

    Royal blue polo shirt with school logo

    Navy blue tights or long navy blue socks

    Black lace-up or buckle, leather shoes

    Royal blue windcheater/jumper with school logo

    Black lace-up or buckle, leather shoes

    BOYS. . . . . . WINTER

    Dark grey trousers

    Royal blue polo shirt with school logo

    Royal blue windcheater/jumper with school logo

    Grey socks   

    Black lace-up or buckle, leather shoes



    School Fees for Term 1 & 2 are now due and payable. Statements have been forwarded to all fee payers, please ensure you check your statement and bring your account up to date as necessary. All school fees must be finalised in the year that they are incurred.

    Direct debit payments can be arranged at any time, please contact Beck Bradley (03) 5623 7222 or to discuss payment options.


    2024 School Fees Concession Program Financial Hardship

    Eligible Centrelink Concession Card (CCC) Holder

    Information for Applicants

    Aim: To assist school families experiencing financial hardship in accessing a Catholic Primary education for their child/ren.

    Confidentiality: At all times, the dignity and privacy of those seeking a fee concession will be respected.

    Level of Concession:  School office staff can advise applicants of the concessional fee to be charged. This concessional fee is fixed annually by the Diocese of Sale Catholic Education Limited. Approved applicants will be charged only the concessional fee which will cover all standard school fees and levies including any charges remaining for camps, sports, and excursions after the application of the Camps, Sports, Excursion Fund (CSEF) benefit.

    Eligible Concession Cards:  Centrelink issues a number of concession cards for a variety of reasons. Some cards have a generous or no income test and therefore holders of these cards are ineligible for a fee concession under Category One. Only CCC’s that are eligible for CSEF are eligible for the School Fees Concession Program. 

    The following CCC’s are the most common cards that are eligible for CSEF. The CCC type is specified as a two or three-letter code printed on the concession card.

    • YA or YAL – Youth Allowance
    • PPS – Parenting Payment Single
    • PPP – Parenting Payment Partnered
    • DSP – Disability Support Pension
    • NSA – New Start Allowance
    • LI – Low Income
    • FA – Family Tax Benefit
    • SA or SKA - Sickness Allowance
    • CAR - Carer Allowance
    • ABA or ABY - Schooling Applicant
    • AGE - Age Pension
    • AUS - Austudy
    • HCC - Health Care Card
    • PTA - Partnered Allowance
    • SPL - Special Benefit
    • WID or WFD or WFA – Widow Allowance/Pension
    • The CCC must be issued in the name of the fee payer and list the students for whom the concession is to be applied.
    • The expiry date of the card must be on or after 1 January of the year (2024) for which the concession is to be applied.
    • If an eligible concession card expires after the start of the year, the concessional fee rate will still be applied for the entire year.
    • If a family becomes eligible during the course of a school year, then a pro-rata concession may be granted.

    Lodgement of Application: Applications for 2024 close on Friday 28th June 2024, please lodge your application immediately for your card to be checked and a pro-rata concession to be applied if applicable.

    The following application forms must be completed and are available from the school office:

    • Complete the school’s application form & the Direct Debit Request (DDR) Service Agreement (or Centrepay application form)
    • Submit the completed forms and present a valid CCC for verifying and copying.
    • Complete and return the CSEF application form immediately after receiving it from the school.

    Important Notes:

    • The concession is automatic for a parent/guardian responsible for the school fees, who holds an eligible CCC.
    • Any offer of a concession is subject to the applicant entering into a DDR Service Agreement or CentrePay arrangement for a regular payment plan of remaining fees (either weekly or fortnightly payments preferred). Any default in payment may result in the concession being withdrawn.
    • The Direct Debit form is available from the school office or the CentrePay application form is available online at
    • A CSEF application must be submitted for a concession to be granted.
    • A new application must be made for each school year.
    • Where the fee account is split, the concession applies to only that portion payable by the eligible cardholder.
    • All families requesting, or receiving, a fee concession must notify the school should their financial circumstances change sufficiently to affect the level of concession offered or if cards are cancelled.

    Please complete the below concession request forms and return to admin together with a copy of your valid concession card before Friday 28th June 2024.






    The winner of the St Ita's Medallion in week three was Pippa McCormick from Grade 1CW.


    The winner of the St Ita's Medallion in week five was Toby Winter from Grade 2AK.





    I chose to make a bird box for our "Learn something new" homework project because I knew Rose, my cousin, really loved birds and if I could make a bird box and put it near her friendship bench it would be really nice. My uncle, Chris, provided me with all of the parts for the box because he has been making them as part of Rose's Legacy (making nesting boxes for animals). My dad helped me build it, taught me how to use power tools safely and Mr Pitt screwed the box into the tree. Hopefully, a native animal chooses to make it a safe home for them.

    Patrick McMahon - Grade 5/6TM


    St Ita's Primary School - Parents & Friends Association

    President:  Ash Durand (

    Vice President:  Rosa Jagoe (

    Secretary: Haley Macefield (



    Thank you to everyone who attended the Parents & Friends Committee Trivia Night, it was a great night and a lot of fun was had by everyone who participated.

    We would also like to thank all the fantastic local businesses who were so generous with their support and donations.

    3818 Coffee
    A1 Civil
    AMX Superstore
    Apple Spice Cake
    Auto Barn Warragul
    Candles with Kindness - Kirsty Allan
    Camp Australia
    Casual Caterings
    Changing Seasons
    Chocolates - P&F
    The Club Hotel Warragul
    The Country Club Warragul
    Country Style Meats - Garfield
    Curves & Kisses
    Drouin Family Hotel
    Drouin Terry White
    Drouin Wooden Toys
    Gippsland Wholesale Fruit & Veg
    Gordon's Mensland Drouin
    Gumbuya World
    Hair by Ashley
    Handmade Cards
    Handmade Gift-Kita Kreations
    Helen Hateley
    IGA - Bunyip
    In Season Hunting & Fishing
    Jayva Designs
    JSM Sound & Lighting - Julian Martin
    King's of Ink - Drouin
    Kita Kreations
    LD Creative
    Lucy Diamond Nails
    Mask Co Products
    Melbourne Stars
    Mecure - Pakenham
    Mecure - Warragul
    Middels Voucher
    Mid Valley Village Cinema
    Mikash Skincare
    Mitre 10
    Organic Pet Food (Murray River Pet Food)
    Pennyworth O Lollies
    SGO Candles Co.
    Smethurst Electrical
    Soap Kitchen
    Sohl Store
    STEM Zone
    That's Gorgeous
    The Willow Branch
    TNT Auto Parts - Drouin
    Todd Clinics
    Tony Pisa's Motors
    Two Doors Over
    Vin Rowe
    Voyage Fitness Warragul
    Warragul - Gifts & Glamour
    Warragul Cheesecake shop
    Warragul Chocolate Shop
    Warragul Country Club
    Warragul Office Supply
    Warragul - Priceline
    Warragul Super Cheap Auto
    Warragul Toyworld
    Weyhill Farm
    Woolworths - Drouin


    Art Teacher: Robyn Leary     


    Hello everyone,

    I was just wondering if any of you had some Lego at home that you are no longer using and would be happy to donate to art. 

    We are creating creatures in art and I’m a little worried we might run out of Lego.

    Thank you in advance and have a fabulous day.



    Teacher: Mrs Catherine McKenna



    National Simultaneous Storytime (NSS): Wednesday 22 May 2024 

    National Simultaneous Storytime (NSS) is held annually by the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA). Every year a picture book, written and illustrated by an Australian author and illustrator, is read simultaneously in libraries, schools, pre-schools, childcare centers, family homes, bookshops, and many other places around the country. Now in its 24th successful year, it is a colourful, vibrant, fun event that aims to promote the value of reading and literacy, using an Australian children's book that explores age-appropriate themes and addresses key learning areas of the National Curriculum for Foundation to Year 6.


    On Wednesday 22nd May we all listened to the story Bowerbird Blues by Aura Parker as part of National Simultaneous Storytime.

    If you would like to listen to it at home, there are plenty of videos on YouTube or you can choose the video below.

    Bowerbird Blues story

    The Grade 2s have been learning all about the Satin Bowerbird this term and today in the library some of them created a bower for their bowerbird.


    Dates for your diary:

    Grade 1-6 Author visit, Nat Amoore: Friday June 14th

    See the flyer below for information.

    Whole school Book Week dress up day: Friday August 23rd.

    Theme: Reading is magic.  Students may dress to the theme or as a book character.



    Camp Australia Co-Ordinator: Carmelina De Cesari

    Contact Number: 1300 105 343



    Due to our increasing numbers and the increased demand for before and after-school care services, our families are encouraged to book early to ensure Camp Australia can accommodate our growing student numbers utilising their services.

    We also encourage families utilising before and after-school care services to communicate with their children if they will be attending after-school care, students are often unsure of their collection arrangements which can be stressful for small children.  For our Foundation students, we suggest a note in their lunchbox or a Class Dojo to let their teachers know about collection arrangements.



    Especially for blokes


    “This commandment of love really does say everything that Jesus has to convey from his intimacy with the Father. Jesus has brought the commandment of love to earth from the Father. It supersedes all previous revelation, because “the other law was indeed given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ” (John 1:17). (Pagola, J. (p428)).

    Have we failed to grasp the central tenet of Christianity? How simple Jesus’ message, yet how complicated we make it!

    Whatever was the understanding (or misunderstanding), limitations or experience of the Old Testament law, that’s exactly what Jesus came to deal with. The old rules are superseded! The whole point of his incarnation and life among us is to convey his command, the Creator’s command: “Love one another!”

    Old or young, male, and female, Jesus tells us that we are loved equally by our Creator. (John 15:9-17). Implicit in that there is no room for physical, sexual or emotional violence or domination; control or manipulation in Jesus’ model.

    Particularly, Jesus’ call to love might be directed at men, reminding them (us) that pro-actively loving one another requires all to be alert for signs of domestic violence in our communities. Whatever might have applied in the past, Jesus’ teaching here compels us to courageously call out abuse of male privilege, economic abuse, coercion and threats, intimidation, emotional abuse, isolation and any minimizing and denial of abuse.

    Awareness of domestic violence demands that men stand together with women, pinpointing precursors of domestic violence such as prevalence of pornography, alcohol abuse and gambling. Families must set example to children and young people of men cherishing the women (and the men) in their lives and living respectfully, equally and lovingly with each other.

    We pray that we and our community may stand for victim survivors of domestic violence.  

    Deacon Mark Kelly


    Parents, listed below are some dates for your diary regarding the Sacramental program for Confirmation and First Holy Communion 2024

    Confirmation 2024

    Preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation will begin with an Information Meeting for parents on Thursday 6th June, at 7 pm. Our guest speaker is Rev. Dr. Fr. Elio Capra, SDB.  The Confirmation ceremony, celebrated by Bishop Greg Bennett, will be held on Friday, 26th July, at 7 pm in Marist Sion Hall.

    First Holy Communion

    Preparation for First Holy Communion will begin with an Information Meeting for parents on Thursday 29th August, at 7 pm. Our guest speaker is Rev. Dr. Fr. Elio Capra, SDB. First Holy Communion Masses will be held on the weekend of 26th/27th October.

    More details concerning these sacraments will be provided closer to the time.  For further enquiries contact Liz - Ph: 5623 1642, Email: 



    Check out our Catholic Parishes of Warragul & Drouin Facebook presence.

