St Ita's Primary School Drouin
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50 Victoria Street
Drouin VIC 3818

Phone: 03 5623 7222

T4 W3 2023 Newsletter

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T4 W3 2023 Newsletter


St Ita’s Catholic Primary School acknowledges and pays respect to the past, present and future Traditional Custodians and Elders of this nation and the continuation of cultural, spiritual and educational practices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. 



    Each year when we begin the process of setting class lists for the following year we invite parents to let us know if there are any particular educational needs their child has which might impact class placement. Over the past few years the majority of requests we have received relate to the child's social group or a parent preference for a particular teacher.

    School is the formative place for young people to begin to explore a world beyond the home. They begin to discover the differences between being friends and being friendly, how to work with people that might have different views and skills, how to develop positive, respectful relationships with a broader range of people and how to deal with change.

    The hope for all parents and educators is that we can best equip our young people for a world where they can be effective and affective, can work to bring change in the world and demonstrate a respect and care for all. They will move into a variety of working lives and research shows that each is likely to have a much larger number of jobs and job types than their parents.

    For a child changing classes the end of the year brings uncertainty, a little reluctance, a little excitement, a little nervousness and a little anxiety. It also brings opportunity to practice the skills they will need to enter a new workplace and form effective working relationships with co-workers.

    As adults we are aware that a change of workplace means leaving those friendships we have developed in our work life. Some friendships are strong and continue outside of our work life and are nurtured and maintained in our social life. Others are replaced by new working friendships which support and engage us in our new workplace but may or may not last beyond that placement.

    This is exactly what children have an opportunity to learn as they change class. Being kept with only the same group, or the same teacher robs them of the learning about how to experience change, to grow relationships, to become more quickly comfortable in new situations and to take control of what is possible in their environment.

    We hope that our parents trust that we know our students well; both individually and collectively. We plan classes with great care and discussion balancing the wellbeing, learning and social aspects of each child and class. We consider teacher skills and styles, support requirements and opportunities as well as the requests of the children as to their preferences for peers in their new class.

    When the conversations in your house turn to next year please look at the opportunity given to you to discuss how changing workplaces is a reality and how we grow as people each time we form new working relationships with peers and bosses. Talk to them about your experiences, about the things that worked well and please avoid tales of woe!


    Class requests for the 2024 can be completed on the GOOGLE FORM. Please do not make assumptions that previous years requests will be honoured. It is best to put everything in writing again. Please understand that these requests are not guaranteed.


    As we come into the warmer, summer months, we are alerting all families to be aware that this is the season where we see significant increases in Head Lice outbreaks throughout our school.

    We have informed all students male and female, who have hair beyond shoulder length that it needs to be tied back daily. We have several boys at school who are sporting the long flowing mullet and I’ve explained that they have two options;

    1) they either tie it back and keep it tied back or

    2)  they get their hair cut above the collar.

    Over the last weeks, we’ve had a several students questioning as to why they should have to tie their hair back or and, in some cases, students flatly refusing to tie their hair back. I’d ask for parents to support us with the implementation of this school policy as it keeps headlice cases in the school to a minimum.


    We’ve noticed an increase in incidents where children are getting into arguments, and altercations when playing four square or using the Gaga Pit. The issues appear to be steming from children developing their own rules, and debating whether or not they are 'out'. Our Gaga Pit will now operate on a rotating roster with Grade 5/6 students on one day and Grade 3/4 on the next day, and so on. Children not playing by the rules, or getting into physical or verbal altercations with one another, will spend time with the duty teacher.


    Fundraising for our Colour Run has reached an amazing target, and our  P&F are hot on the trail to get some new Foundation to Grade 2 play equipment purchased. This is to allow more creative play opportunities on the top yard.

    The Colour Run is booked for the 17th November, which is just under a month away. Children will need to wear white clothes on this day, and if parents can be aware that the coloured chalk may stain some of the clothing, I’d suggest that students don’t wear their best brands. The Colour Run will be hosted in the afternoon so that children will complete the course around 3pm. Parent are encouraged to bring a towel to prevent their car interiors being coloured by student clothing.

    This day will be a celebration in memory of Rose McMahon, a past student who passed away. Rose’s birthday falls on 17th November and she loved rainbows and colour – so let’s all get loud and be proud and let’s create thousands of rainbows across our school and hope Rose is looking down on us!

    Andrew Osler

    St Ita's Principal



    Eucharist Teaching Mass 1 - Saturday 28th October 7pm @ Warragul

    Eucharist Teaching Mass 1 - Sunday 29th October 9am @ Warragul

    Eucharist Teaching Mass 1 - Sunday 29th October 10.30am @ Drouin

    Wednesday 1st November - School Board Meeting

    Friday 3rd November - Junior Athletics

    Monday 6th & Tuesday 7th November - School Closure Day & Melbourne Cup

    Friday 10th November - Daniels Donuts Orders must be completed

    School Colour Fun Run - Friday 17th November (This aligns with Rainbows for Rose)

    Christmas Concert - Monday 27th November commencing 5.30pm

    Wednesday 29th November – Parens & Friends Meeting

    Sunday 3rd December – First Holy Communion

    Tuesday 5th December – Grade 6 Graduation Mass & Dinner

    Wednesday 6th December – Board Meeting

    Thursday 7th December – Grade 6 Celebration Day - Gumbuya World

    Friday 8th December – Triathlon

    11th December – Kinect2Dance Concert

    12th December – Statewide Orientation Day

    15th December – Final Day of School Concludes 3.20pm







    Friday 10th November - Session One 9.15am - 9.55am (40mins) 

    Friday 10th November - Session Two 11.30am - 12.10pm (40mins)

    Thursday 16th November - Session One 9.15am - 9.55am (40mins)

    Thursday 16th November - Session Two 11.30am - 12.10pm (40mins)

    Storytime has been introduced to our transition program to give an opportunity for kindergarten children to visit our school in a less formal environment than the classroom. The children will listen to a story read by our Foundation teachers and participate in an activity conducted in the Foundation classrooms. In doing this, children will be able to familiarise themselves with our school environment and begin to make connections with school staff and other children with whom they may be working with the following year.

    You will be offered the opportunity to book your child into a maximum of two of the four sessions offered over the two days, with 34 places in each session this will allow each child to attend one session each day, please ensure you only select one session per day for your child.  All sessions are optional, and you only need to book as many sessions as you think your child will be comfortable with.

    How to book: Please click the link below to book your child a session.

    If you experience any difficulties booking your preferred session, please contact the office. Phone (03) 5623 7222 or via email:


    Friday, 17th November 2023 – 9.30am – 10.45am (Parent only)

    The Parent Information Session will run for approximately an hour and will take place in the Multi-purpose Hall. At this session you will be informed of general daily routines, school start dates, uniforms, and general useful day to day information. It is recommended that all families new to the school in 2024 attend this session, the information provided will assist all families with understanding the daily operations of our school.  There will also be a short question and answer session if you still have some unanswered questions after this session. 


    Friday, 1st December 2023 - 9 30am – 10.45am

    Thursday, 7th December 2023 - 9 30am – 10.45am

    Tuesday 12th December 2023 - 9.30am – 12.15pm

    No booking is required to attend the Transition/Orientation Day and although the first two sessions are optional, the third session on Tuesday 12th December 2023 is the statewide transition day and we would love for all students to attend this session.

    What to wear: Children are welcome to wear their new school uniform if they already have it, or something comfortable for the day. Children will also need to bring a hat for outdoor play.

    What to bring: Foundation students will need a water bottle, and a snack or small lunch.


    Christmas is quickly approaching with just seven weeks left of our school year.

    In past years, the families of St. Ita’s have helped bring joy and hope with donations of gifts to children in less fortunate situations within the wider community, at Christmas time. This charitable act invites you, as a family, to be involved in a simple, hands-on project while focusing on the true meaning of Christmas, Jesus Christ, God’s greatest gift. Last year we were able to support well over 200 children that are under the care of St. Vincent de Paul within our Parish and local areas, and we have been asked if we are able to help a similar number again this year.

    This year, families who wish to support our Christmas Gift Appeal, will have the options of either purchasing their own gift in their chosen store for a child / children aged between 0 - 13 years, or by visiting the Warragul Toyworld to purchase a gift and leave them there to be collected.

    Alternately, families can donate an amount of money to an account held at Toyworld and a St. Vinnies member will select toys to the value of any financial donations. Please do not wrap your gifts as they will need to be sorted and labelled for the appropriate aged child.

    Our school Mini Vinnies Team will be assisting the St Vincent de Paul team with this, this year. Simply pop your gift into a gift box or a Christmas gift bag and drop it into the school to be placed under the Christmas tree in the foyer. It is preferred where possible for you and your children to select gifts, to give children the important life lesson of the joy of giving to others. We will require all gifts to be dropped in to the school by Wednesday, 6th December at the latest, for collection by the St Vincent de Paul team.

    Please support the St Vincent de Paul team to continue their work in our Community, the need this year is greater than ever. Thank you all for your continued support, and a happy and blessed Christmas to all.



    Every family needs a little help from time to time. Are finances stressing you out?  Is parenting feeling a little too hard some days? Your children’s emotions difficult to manage? Is their behaviour disrupting the whole household and impacting their time at school? Anglicare Victoria Family Services are now located on site every Thursday to provide support in these areas, or even if you just need to have a chat.

    Completely confidential, non judgemental, we are here to support you and your family.  Contact Heath on 0499 007 031 or ask for Heath at the office any time on Thursday.




    A reminder to all parents who are entering the school as classroom helpers or parent support during speech and or OT sessions;

    • You must enter via the Admin Office and sign in via the iPad, where you will be required to enter your Working with Children WWCC) details.
    • Please ensure you have your WWCC card with you at all times as it is a requirement of DOSCEL that you carry this card with you whilst you are onsite. 


    School Fee statements have been forwarded to all families via Email, if you have not received your statement please make contact with us so that we can check your details and ensure we have your correct Email details. 

    All fees for 2023 should be finalised by 27th October 2023. If you are unable to finalise your account by the due date, please contact the Admin Office to discuss payment options.

    Direct Debit and Credit Card payments can be set up at any time, please contact School Admin to assist with putting these options in place. 

    Contact: or (03) 5623 7222



    The winner of this weeks St Ita’s medallion is Quinn Visser from Grade 2M.



    Week 1 & 2 - Awards for Respect

    Foundation F Sommer Hall-Dales Jonti Durand Leroy Crimmins
    Foundation L Harry Lyall Ethan Trapnell
    Foundation M Samuel Keeble Dixie McMillan
    Grade 1C Brody Dore Audrey Smythe
    Grade 1G Layla McGibney Lily Sedgwick
    Grade 1GL Scarlett Byrne Aaron Veale
    Grade 2AK Kody Borchard
    Grade 2ST Willow Chugg Lilly Winterton
    Grade 2M Audrey Byrne Quinn Visser
    Grade 3/4O Natalie Hateley Luca Durand
    Grade 3/4D Riley Harmes Jed Fitzgerald
    Grade 3/4K Maxe Nguyen Zander Wolfenden
    Grade 3/4NH Liam Schembri James Hamilton
    Grade 3/4M Isabelle Simsir Theia Wells
    Grade 5/6W Lachlan Trowbridge Jarvis Wolfenden Henry Driessen
    Grade 5/6MW Benjamin McCarthy Isabelle Sugden
    Grade 5/6A Pedro Espinosa Angus Maling
    Grade 5/6C Xavier Hynd Ava Collins

    The Grade Four students finished last term by participating in their first school camp at CYC: The Island Phillip Island.

    After a long bus ride, we arrived at The Nobbies, where we had lunch and went exploring, seeing penguins, wallabies and families of geese and birds enjoying the reserve.  We then made our way to the camp, arriving with a mixture of nervousness, excitement and full of energy ready to burn.  The camp staff were impressed with how quickly and respectfully our students joined in on their camp experience. 

    The activities that students participated in were:

    • Flying Fox
    • The Giant Swing
    • Archery
    • The Pinnacle rock climbing wall
    • Pedal Racers

    On our first night, we had a talent show with the Glow Stick Girls taking out the crown.  Our performers were, however overshadowed by the Magnificent Sophia, who was outstanding in her role as MC.  Many thanks to Mr Pitt, Mr O and Mr Davies who were our firm but fair judging panel!

    Blessed with fabulous weather, we spent a beautiful afternoon at the Cowes foreshore on Thursday, with games of cricket, touch rugby, shell collecting, rock pooling and sandcastle building all popular activities.

    While some bouts of homesickness were experienced early on the first night, all students slept well and were generally respectful of their peers.  The food we ate was delicious and plentiful.  We were lucky enough to get dessert each night and supper after our nighttime adventures.

    By the time we got to dinner on Thursday night, it was clear that a movie night was the perfect end to our day, so we watched the movie “Cloudy with a chance of Meatballs” together and then headed off to bead.

    On Friday, the students showed enormous respect, packing up their belongings in a timely fashion and enjoying the last hours at Phillip Island.  Stopping for lunch on the way home, we said an enormous Thank you to our helpers,

    • Mr Pitt
    • Mrs Kittelty
    • Mr Ollington
    • Mr Davies
    • Mrs Hick
    • Mrs Noonan
    • Cally Rushbury
    • Marcus Lorkin
    • Alan Miller
    • Kylie Chugg
    • Maree Admiraal

    before making our way home, tired yet full of happy memories!

    A massive thank you to not only our volunteers and staff but the staff at CYC: The Island and Warragul Bus Lines who got us there and back safe and sound!



    Sports Teacher/Co-Ordinator: Hayley Roberts     



    Date: Friday 17th November - Rainbows for Rose Day

    Where: St Ita's Primary School

    Summary: Kids will wear white, run laps of the oval while getting squirted with colourful dust, sprayed with water pistols and completing some obstacle course activities, having fun!

    Fundraising Event: Please continue to support our fundriasing efforts which will go towards the continued improvment of our play equipment.  To donate CLICK HERE


    Art Teacher: Robyn Leary     


    Hello everyone,

    I am so excited to be back at school and creating again. 

    This term students are learning everything about Sculpture. 

    They are learning the difference between 2 dimensional art and 3 dimensional art. 

    Using paper, students are creating their own sculpture by manipulating papers into different shapes. 

    We are then delving into the huge world of Lego, we are learning how the Lego company was made, looking at Lego figure design, experimenting with Lego play and using Lego to create creatures that can be named and used in story telling to create narratives, so watch this space. 

    Don’t forget to ask your children how Lego came to be. 

    Enjoy your week everyone. 

    Warm regards,

    Robyn Leary





    Often, we hear it said that we shouldn't mix politics and religion. Usually it is said by people who don't like our Christian values, or by Christians who don't want the trouble of standing up for core Christian values. Pope Francis recently urged us all to, “engage in politics, which is simply what it means to take part constructively in the life of a nation or society.” (The Shepherd, Sergio Rubin and Francesca Ambrogetti, Argentina 2023).

    Sometimes this week's gospel about giving to Caesar that which is his and to God, that which is God's (Mt 22:15-21), is used to justify a view that we somehow inhabit two parallel universes. But that is the opposite of Jesus’ message. Not his intention at all! Christianity is very much an earthy perspective on the world. After all, that is why Jesus became one of us, to meet us on the street where we live; to teach us to apply God's values to the real world.

    Living those values is how we influence the world around us. Out of those values has arisen the usually tolerant, pluralist society we are blessed to live in. But it is wasted on us if we choose not to make waves, to simply blend with and go along with everything secular society promotes.  It is that very tolerant pluralism that enables us to confidently articulate our values; to evangelise; to proclaim to the secular world our Creator’s overflowing love for all humanity.

    Should politics stay out of religion and religion out of politics? Not at all! Jesus message today is for the “state to allow God to be God, but especially” it “challenge(s) the Church to preach and live the Gospel of Jesus Christ, rather than the Gospel of political convenience.” [Francis Maloney, This is the Gospel of the Lord, p187]

    Deacon Mark Kelly



    Eucharist Teaching Mass 1

    Focus - Liturgy of the Word

    Saturday 28th October 7pm @ Warragul

    Sunday 29th October 9am @ Warragul

    Sunday 29th October 10.30am @ Drouin


    Phone: (03) 5623 1642 Email:


    This year’s Remembrance Mass, organised by the Parishes Bereavement team will be held on: Tuesday, 31st October 7.30pm St. Ita’s Church Drouin.

    All Parishioners are invited and welcome to attend this Mass. Mass will be followed by a cuppa. Please bring a plate of supper to share.

    Next weekend at all three Church centres, a Remembrance Book will be displayed and available for parishioners to enter the names of deceased relatives and friends.

    Enquiries: Barbara Durand: 0414 965 079 or Joan Robertson: 5623 1642: Parish Office.


    Check out our Catholic Parishes of Warragul & Drouin Facebook presence.






