St Ita's Primary School Drouin
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50 Victoria Street
Drouin VIC 3818

Phone: 03 5623 7222

T3 W5 2023 Newsletter

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T3 W5 2023 Newsletter


St Ita’s Catholic Primary School acknowledges and pays respect to the past, present and future Traditional Custodians and Elders of this nation and the continuation of cultural, spiritual and educational practices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. 




    Compassion is defined as the sympathetic concern for another’s suffering or misfortune.

    Children’s brains do not develop the ability feel malice or ill feelings until the age of 8 years of age. That said, they are naturally loving and compassionate, we just need to ensure we stay committed to helping them develop compassion in this busy fast paced digital age.

    In our technology driven world our children’s attention is largely focused on their devices than it is on the world around them and the people within it.

    When we were children, we may have naturally been more compassionate as a result of this. As our eyes and ears may have been more freely available to have noticed situations to display compassion, like hugging our mother if she was crying and or hug our sibling if they fell off the see-saw or scratched their knee.

    It’s not our children’s fault that a lot of their “connection” to others is now virtual and most likely sent via an emoji.

    Evolution is defined as: the process where living organisms develop from earlier forms.  Digital communication is not going away, it’s just that we need to make a conscious effort to ensure we’re ‘evolving’ into a superior race, and a more loving and compassionate one at that.

    Raising children to be compassionate is one way to help them go through life passionately. They will be able to reach out to other people with their kindness, expression of sympathy, empathy and care.  

    “Empathy is probably the greatest single gift of our species,” Bruce D. Perry, M.D (senior fellow at the Child Trauma Academy and the co-author of Born for Love: Why Empathy Is Essential — and Endangered.) He has also said that, “We wouldn’t have been able to survive without creating relationships and groups that could function together.”

    By showing empathy i.e. writing genuine thank-you notes, being consistent, boosting feelings vocabulary, praising each other daily, recognising kindness, addressing their needs and promoting emotional literacy you will enable a child to become more compassionate.

    If you show your child how to empathise or become more understanding, you will help them in perceiving what is around them and perhaps gain more appreciation of what is in their community or help you solve problems that you may have.

    Here are 15 ways to help raise compassionate children:

    1: Writing your children genuine thank you notes will help them realise how their efforts are much appreciated.

    2:  Boosting their feelings vocabulary will help them identify their emotions and they would be able to know what these emotions are; and perhaps know why they happen.

    3: Praise each other daily to make each other feel good.

    4:  Help them recognise kindness and make them realise that this is important in relationships ie. recognising how you address their needs, like food, shelter and clothing to help them grow well. This takes a lot of effort but they need it to grow into happy beings.

    5: Promoting emotional literacy will help your child know what are the emotions they are feeling and identify them well.

    6: Rule out unacceptable behaviour (even if it’s their birthday.) These behaviours should not be reinforced.

    7: Teach them how to help others. Knowing how to help is a way of them showing their compassion.

    8: Develop good manners should be encouraged to be part of their daily routine. This include saying thank you; or being thankful for what others have done for them.

    9: Teach respect: help them realise that others have feelings, like them, and that others deserve for those feelings to be acknowledged.

    10: Guide them to having meaningful friendships and try to outlaw name calling.

    11: Show or let them know how to express their appreciation for kindness.

    12: Try focus on becoming even more considerate yourself to help them know what being compassionate is about and do not speak ill will of others so that they do not emulate it.

    13: Encourage your children to help. This characteristic of being compassionate is necessary to teach them kindness towards others.

    14: Help them understand others’ feelings as well. Let them explore their feelings but monitor what they are seeing on media and expect more when it comes to your child’s responsibility to be more caring and compassionate.

    15: Set high standards but try to find out if they are being bullied or teased because this might cause a burn out of compassion on their part. They might feel that they are not making a difference in this complicated and troubled world. Try to reinforce their efforts with love and care from your end.

    Andrew Osler

    St Ita's Principal



    Friday 11th August - Visiting Author George Ivanoff

    Friday 18th August - National Bullying Prevention Day  

    Friday 25th August - Book Week Dress Up Day

    Monday 28th August - Grade 5/6 Science Incursion

    Tuesday 29th August - Grade 3/4 Science Incursion


    When walking to and from school via the Drouin Rec Reserve Gate, could all walkers please make sure they walk around the back of all the parked cars, even those parked out front of the Fire Brigade building.

    A reminder to all parents that the drop off and pick up speed limit is 10kph


    Our school Librarian Mrs McKenna has arranged for children’s Author George Ivanoff to be onsite this Friday. George will be onsite doing workshops with our Grade 3-6 students across the school.


    The National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence will be held on Friday 18 August 2023. The theme for 2023 is 'growing connections'. It supports the research findings that strong school community connections and social skills are protective factors in the prevention of bullying and help enable positive, help-seeking behaviours in students.


    Raising Resilient Kids

    Tuesday 8th August - Online Via Zoom 6pm - 8pm (follow the link below to sign up)

    These workshops were attended by a few parents at this stage as the word gets out. The parents that attended all said they obtained something from the presentation and were able to share ideas, ask questions and feel more empowered in dealing with their own children. These workshops are free. Please also remember that we have Heath Mills onsite from Anglicare each Thursday available to parents for support - please get in contact - Heath's skills are outstanding and everything is confidential. 

    Parenting Anxious Kids:

    Recognising the signs of anxiety

    What causes Anxiety in kids, and how this triggers parents

    Develop the skills to cope and discuss fears in an attempt to move through them

    How to respond when your child gets overwhelmed

    Help your child to regulate their emotions

    Support your child with their challenges

    Tuesday 15th August on-site here at school 9:30-11:30 am (in the old library) Enter via Admin

    OR Via Zoom Tuesday 22nd August  6:00- 8:00 pm

    Register via https://forms.officecomm/r/y1Z6ty8vnA

    For further detail contract Heath Mills on 0499 007 031

    (Watch out for further sessions in coming weeks: Dealing with Feelings)  Flyers were sent home, please check your child’s school bag.




    Every family needs a little help from time to time. Are finances stressing you out?  Is parenting feeling a little too hard some days? Your children’s emotions difficult to manage? Is their behaviour disrupting the whole household and impacting their time at school? Anglicare Victoria Family Services are now located on site every Thursday to provide support in these areas, or even if you just need to have a chat.

    Completely confidential, non judgemental, we are here to support you and your family.  Contact Heath on 0499 007 031 or ask for Heath at the office any time on Thursday.

    Through Anglicare Victoria we are also able to provide free parenting groups to develop and strengthen parenting skills and create positive change within your family.

    In Term 3 Anglicare Victoria Parentzone will be running 4 groups – in person at school and also online.

    The 4 topics that will be covered are School Refusal, Raising Resilient Kids, Parenting Anxious Kids and Dealing with Feelings.

    Stay tuned for further information and how you can register your interest!

    The dates will be 

    Raising Resilient Kids - Online 8th August (6pm - 8pm)

    Parenting Anxious kids – At school Tues 15th August or Online Tues 22nd August

    Dealing with feelings – At school Tues 29th August or Online Tues 5th August


    On Friday 1st September all Grade 5-6 students have a sports round robin and lunch at Marist Sion with the other Catholic feeder schools.




    Many of our new and existing families have benefitted from our secondhand uniform cupboard this year.  We have been overwhelmed by the number of families who have taken up the offer to utilise this service.

    Unfortunately, this is a service that relies heavily on the generosity of our families and their willingness to donate what they have available, or what their children have grown out of.

    We are asking all of our families to take a look in their childrens cupboard and if you have any good quality uniform that is not being used by your family, and could be donated to assist another family we encourage you to bring it into the administration office.

    We appreciate all items that can be donated.


    Parents are reminded that students must not be dropped off at school, and left unsupervised prior to the school gate opening at 8.30am. If you need to drop your children off prior to 8.30am, we recommend that you contact Camp Australia and access before school care.


    All student absences should be communicated to the office by 10am daily. In addition to ClassDojo, student absences can be communicated via the Parent Access Module (PAM) which come directly to the Administration Office. In addition to daily absences, PAM can be used to record family holidays, and occurances which are likely to be multiple day absences.


    A reminder to all parents who are entering the school as classroom helpers or parent support during speech and or OT sessions;

    • You must enter via the Admin Office and sign in via the IPad, where you will be required to enter your Working with Children WWCC) details.
    • Please ensure you have your WWCC card with you at all times as it is a requirement of DOSCEL that you carry this card with you whilst you are onsite. 


    School Fee statements have been forwarded to all families via Email, if you have not received your statement please make contact with us so that we can check your details and ensure we have your correct Email details. 

    Term 1-3 Fees are now overdue, please make arrangements to bring your account up to date as soon as possible.

    Direct Debit and Credit Card payments can be set up at any time, please contact School Admin to assist with putting these options in place. 

    Contact: or (03) 5623 7222



    The winner of this weeks St Ita’s medallion is Lincoln Robinson from Grade 2AK.



    Week 1 & 2 - Awards for Resilience

    Shae Roughead Foundation F Tahlia Atkins Grade 3/4D
    Riley Shears Foundation L Athena Cook Grade 3/4K
    Peyton Lieshout Foundation M Miller Unwin Grade 3/4M
    Brodie Miller Grade 1C Izabelle Lee Grade 3/4NH
    Charlotte Hartcher Grade 1G Georgia Wassenberg Grade 3/4NH
    Evelyn Onus Grade 1GL Archie Canham Grade 3/4O
    Lincoln Robinson Grade 2AK Nate Spargo Grade 5/6A
    Lucy Greco Grade 2M Charlie Unwin Grade 5/6C
    Willow Chugg Grade 2ST Hayley Slaughter Grade 5/6MW
    Sullivan Clough-Allen Grade 5/6W

    Week 3 & 4 - Awards for Compassion

    Archer Beswick Foundation F Connor Gregory Grade 3/4D
    William Howie Foundation F Reb Kensley Grade 3/4K
    Lukah Drain Foundation L Murray Jarred Grade 3/4M
    Adelyn Denehy Foundation M Liam Davies Grade 3/4NH
    Evie Beechey Grade 1C Evie Smythe Grade 3/4O
    Isla Hepner Grade 1G Braeden Morris Grade 5/6A
    Tahli Browne Grade 1GL Addison Summerhayes Grade 5/6C
    Ellie Condron Grade 2AK Oliver Robinson Grade 5/6MW
    Abbey Maling Grade 2M Brodie Beechey Grade 5/6W
    Jye Stammers Grade 2ST

    Teacher: Mrs Catherine McKenna



    Author Visit: Grade 3-6 students

    Author George Ivanoff will be visiting on Friday August 11th to present to our 3/4 and 5/6 students. George specifically writes for this audience and older. Students may order his books through the Lamont portal. They will be posted to me, and he’ll sign them on the day and then present the book at their session. Order by July 28th.



    Book Week: 25th August

    Book Week dress up day

    Jigsaw Puzzles


    Being inspired by Bob Graham’s latest book “Jigsaw: A Puzzle in the Post” I am looking for a few puzzles that the students can work on during Library Club. If anyone has an age-appropriate puzzle (age 5-12) that they are happy to donate; please send into Administration. Thanks.

    Here is the story if you would like to watch it. Jigsaw: A Puzzle in the Post.

    Username and password: stidrouin

    Story Box Library

    Just a reminder to parents and new families that we have a subscription to Story Box Library. There is a link to the website below, or you can download the app. I encourage you to try it out.



    If your child isn’t into reading, or if they haven’t found the genre that they love yet, get them listening to audio books. Also known as ear-reading, it’s a great way for our students to explore and develop a love of story. I use the app BorrowBox which is free through the Local Community Library-Myli.

    Scholastic Book Club



    Who Is This Guy?


    Butch Cassidy repeatedly asks Sundance in our movie favourite, “Who are those guys?” They have a bit of an idea about a persistent posse following them, their wonder and fear is increasing, but they still don’t know. 

    Jesus’ closest disciples have experienced his extraordinary charisma, his truth speaking, his breaking open of scripture, his love of the poor and marginalised, his courageous readiness to challenge corrupt authority. They have witnessed extraordinary miracles and Jesus’ challenging wrong or irrelevant rules. He has claimed a special relationship with God as Father.  But still they wonder, “Who is this guy?”

    Peter, James and John are Jesus’ chosen witnesses to the Transfiguration (Matt 17:1-9). At the time they couldn’t grasp the significance of the event, through after the Resurrection they will recognise this glimpse of Jesus’ unique relationship with the Father. A glimpse only but even so, extraordinary, beyond the comprehension of even these closest, select disciples. Fear rightly clutches at Butch and Sundance as their misdeeds catch up with them, but the Transfiguration witnesses too experience fear and bewilderment. They start jabbering on about tents and fall on their faces.

    Jesus touches his disciples, calming their fears, reassuring them that, though glorified by God as his Son, he is still their very human leader. Without the physical reassurance of Jesus touch, we later disciples are heirs to the whole account of his life, death and resurrection.

    Who is he? We know who he is! He is Jesus, fully human and fully divine, who died for love of us. We need have no fears. As St Teresa of Avila famously proclaimed, now we are called to be Jesus’ touch, hands, feet and eyes for others.

    Deacon Mark Kelly



    Child Workshop 1:

    Drouin: Wednesday 9th August 7pm

    Warragul: Thurs 10th August 4pm,7pm

    Retreat Day at Marist: To be advised

    Child Workshop 2:

    Drouin: Wednesday 23rd August 7pm

    Warragul: Thurs 24th August 4pm,7pm

    Combined Reconciliation Rite:

    Drouin: Wednesday 30th August 7pm

    Thursday 31st August 7pm


    Warragul: Marist Sion Hall

    Friday 8th September 7pm

    With Bishop Greg Bennet


    Phone: (03) 5623 1642 Email:

    Children’s Liturgy


    Children’s Liturgy will be celebrated at the 9am Mass Sunday 13th August St. Joseph’s Church Warragul

    Children’s Liturgy involves the children going into the Marian Room during the readings, after the invitation from Father. The format that is happening inside the church is replicated in the children’s liturgy but in a more child friendly way. The children might act out the readings, give voices to characters, respond with acclamations, song etc. Some discussion to help explain the readings will take place. A worksheet task might also go home with the children. The children return to their parents during the Offertory Procession.

    Whenever there is Children’s Liturgy, all primary school children are invited. Please encourage your child to participate whether they are receiving a sacrament or not.


    Check out our Catholic Parishes of Warragul & Drouin Facebook presence.




