St Ita's Primary School Drouin
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50 Victoria Street
Drouin VIC 3818

Phone: 03 5623 7222

T3 W3 2023 Newsletter

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T3 W3 2023 Newsletter


St Ita’s Catholic Primary School acknowledges and pays respect to the past, present and future Traditional Custodians and Elders of this nation and the continuation of cultural, spiritual and educational practices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. 





    The care, safety and wellbeing of children and young people is a central and fundamental responsibility of Catholic education. At St Ita’s we are committed to strengthened practice for the protection of children in line with the Victorian Government child safety reforms.

    The Victorian Government’s 2012–2013 Betrayal of Trust Parliamentary Inquiry found that more must be done to prevent and respond to child abuse in all organisations working with children. The Betrayal of Trust report highlighted gaps and inconsistencies in child safe practices in organisations and recommended immediate steps for the safety of children through the introduction of a comprehensive set of child safe standards.

    On 26 November 2015, the Victorian Parliament passed the Child Wellbeing and Safety Amendment (Child Safe Standards) Bill 2015 (Vic.) to introduce the Victorian Child Safe Standards into law. Seven Child Safe Standards and Ministerial Order No. 870 came into effect for Victorian schools on 1 August 2016.

    In July 2021, the Victorian Government announced new Child Safe Standards to further strengthen child safe environments and protect children from abuse. 11 new Child Safe Standards and Ministerial Order No. 1359 came into effect for schools and school boarding premises on 1 July 2022. They replace Victoria’s seven previous Child Safe Standards and principles (Ministerial Order No. 870) in place since 2016.

    Preventing and responding to child abuse requires a whole of community response to bring about broad cultural change. To this end, the Victorian Child Safe Standards apply to a broad range of organisations that provide services for children, including schools, churches, sporting clubs and youth services. The intention of the Child Safe Standards is to make organisations, including schools, consider and address child abuse situations and risks in an integrated and proactive fashion.

    For schools, these child safe standards represent holistic education and organisational preventative measures in ensuring the safety of children and young people.

    The Catholic sector’s response to the Victorian child safety reforms reflect our commitment to ‘lead the way’, not only by meeting our compliance and legislative requirements but through cultural change and strategies that ensure child safe practices are embedded in everyday practice.

    What are the current Child Safe Standards?

    On 1 July 2022, 11 new Victorian Child Safe Standards came into effect for schools and school boarding premises. The new Victorian Child Safe Standards support greater national consistency, reflecting the National Principles for Child Safe Organisations, developed following the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse. The new Child Safe Standards include new requirements, including:

    • the involvement of families and students in child safety efforts
    • focus on the safety of Aboriginal children and young people
    • management of the risk of child abuse in online environments
    • governance, systems and processes to keep students safe.

    The new Child Safe Standards are underpinned by Ministerial Order No. 1359 which was gazetted by the Victorian Government on 10 February 2022. Ministerial Order No. 1359 defines the actions schools and school boarding premises must take to meet the requirements of the new Child Safe Standards.

    The New Victorian Child Safe Standards

    1. Culturally safe environments – Organisations establish a culturally safe environment in which the diverse and unique identities and experiences of Aboriginal children and young people are respected and valued.
    2. Leadership, governance and culture – Child safety and wellbeing is embedded in organisational leadership, governance and culture.
    3. Child and student empowerment – Children and young people are empowered about their rights, participate in decisions affecting them and are taken seriously.
    4. Family engagement – Families and communities are informed, and involved in promoting child safety and wellbeing.
    5. Diversity and equity – Equity is upheld and diverse needs respected in policy and practice.
    6. Suitable staff and volunteers – People working with children and young people are suitable and supported to reflect child safety and wellbeing values in practice.
    7. Complaints processes – Processes for complaints and concerns are child focused.
    8. Child safety knowledge, skills and awareness – Staff and volunteers are equipped with the knowledge, skills and awareness to keep children and young people safe through ongoing education and training.
    9. Child safety in physical and online environments – Physical and online environments promote safety and wellbeing while minimising the opportunity for children and young people to be harmed.
    10. Review of child safety practices – Implementation of the Child Safe Standards is regularly reviewed and improved.
    11. Implementation of child safety practices – Policies and procedures document how the organisation is safe for children and young people.


    On Friday we farewelled Miss Maddy Baker who has commenced a period of maternity leave.  We wish her all the best on the safe arrival of her new baby.

    Mr Liam Charles will be replacing Miss Baker in Grade 1 for the remainder of the year. Mr Charles has just completed a two week transition period to help support the kids in his and he is doing an amazing job.



    We welcome our new assistant parish priest Father Antony Santhiyagu, who will be here to assist Father Confidence in our very busy Parish. Father Antony is very happy to be a part of the St Itas Parish.


    Andrew Osler

    St Ita's Principal



    Saturday 29th July - Confirmation Commitment Mass - 7pm @ St Joseph's Warragul

    Sunday 30th July - Confirmation Commitment Mass - 9am @ St Joseph's Warragul

    Sunday 30th July - Confirmation Commitment Mass - 10.30am @ St Itas Drouin

    Tuesday 1st August - Raising Resilient Kids - 9.30am Old Library

    Thursday 3rd August - Author Visit George Ivanoff

    Sunday 6th August - Confirmation Commitment Mass - 10.30am @ St Itas Drouin


    We have had a number of illnesses presenting in our classrooms over the last few weeks, many of them are quite contagious.  We encourage all families to ensure children who are presenting with symptoms of any of the below known illnesses to keep children home until symptoms have fully cleared.


    Please watch your child for the following symptoms. If your child has the symptoms below, you should call your child’s medical provider for guidance.

     Redness or swelling of the white of the eye or inside the eyelids
     An increased amount of tears
     Eye discharge which may be clear, yellow, white, or green
     Itchy, irritated, and/or burning eyes
     Gritty feeling in the eye
     Crusting of the eyelids or lashes
     Contact lenses that feel uncomfortable and/or do not stay in place on the eye

    There are four main causes of conjunctivitis. Sometimes it is hard to know the exact cause of conjunctivitis because some signs and symptoms may be the same no matter the cause.
     Viruses (like the common cold).
     Allergens (from pollen, pets, or dust mites)
     Irritants (like swimming pool chlorine)

    Treatment depends on the reason for conjunctivitis (bacterial, viral or allergic). It is important to talk with your child’s healthcare provider (doctor, physician’s assistant, or nurse) so they can tell you if your child may need medicine or stay home from school.

    Conjunctivitis is spread from person to person in different ways. It is usually spread through:
     Contact from touching or shaking hands
     The air by coughing and sneezing
     Touching an object or surface with germs on it, then rubbing your eyes

    Washing your hands, covering your mouth when you cough or sneeze, and not sharing food and drinks with others can help control the spread of conjunctivitis.

    Antibiotics do not help conjunctivitis unless it is caused by bacteria. Whether or not your child needs medicine for conjunctivitis is up to your doctor.

    Hand Foot & Mouth

    Children usually develop symptoms between 3 to 7 days after being infected.

    The most common symptoms include:

    • fever
    • sore throat
    • small, blister-like lesions that may occur on the inside of the mouth, sides of the tongue, palms of the hands, fingers, soles of the feet and ‘nappy’ area
    • children are often irritable, tired, and may be off their food.

    Very rarely, the virus can affect the lining of the brain or spinal cord, leading to more severe symptoms such as seizures, confusion, unsteadiness, and weakness.

    Head Lice


    Raising Resilient kids:

    Learn ways to increase your child’s confidence in developing skills.

    Assist your child to develop ways to solution find.

    Build trust and connection with your child.

    Learn about the power of praise.  

    Anglicare Victoria is running sessions either school in person or on-line at no cost to families.

    Tuesday 1st August on -site here at school 9:30-11:30 am (in the old library) Enter via Admin

    OR Via Zoom Tuesday 8th August  6:00- 8:00 pm

    Register via https://forms.officecomm/r/y1Z6ty8vnA

    For further detail contract Heath Mills on 0499 007 031

    (Watch out for further sessions in coming weeks: Parenting Anxious Kids, Dealing with Feelings)  Flyers were sent home, please check your child’s school bag.




    Every family needs a little help from time to time. Are finances stressing you out?  Is parenting feeling a little too hard some days? Your children’s emotions difficult to manage? Is their behaviour disrupting the whole household and impacting their time at school? Anglicare Victoria Family Services are now located on site every Thursday to provide support in these areas, or even if you just need to have a chat.

    Completely confidential, non judgemental, we are here to support you and your family.  Contact Heath on 0499 007 031 or ask for Heath at the office any time on Thursday.

    Through Anglicare Victoria we are also able to provide free parenting groups to develop and strengthen parenting skills and create positive change within your family.

    In Term 3Anglicaree Victoria Parentzone will be running 4 groups – in person at school and also online.

    The 4 topics that will be covered are School Refusal, Raising Resilient Kids, Parenting Anxious Kids and Dealing with Feelings.

    Stay tuned for further information and how you can register your interest!

    The dates will be 

    Raising Resilient kids – At school Tues 1st August or Online Tues 8th August

    Parenting Anxious kids – At school Tues 15th August or Online Tues 22nd August

    Dealing with feelings – At school Tues 29th August or Online Tues 5th August


    • If you currently have any documents that require your signature at home, could you please return these, signed to the office or your child's teacher.  This will help to show evidence of Parent Collaboration when it comes time to submit our NCCD data.
    • We are beginning to use the online platform DocuSignn" to communicate these documents with families in a bid to omit the need for so many paper copies.  If you receive an email from Caitlin Noonan via DocuSign, your signature is required on some documents.
    • Any further questions, please see Caitlin Noonan in the office (Mon-Wed) or via email:


    On Friday 1st September all Grade 5-6 students have a sports round robin and lunch at Marist Sion with the other Catholic feeder schools.




    Many of our new and existing families have benefitted from our secondhand uniform cupboard this year.  We have been overwhelmed by the number of families who have taken up the offer to utilise this service.

    Unfortunately, this is a service that relies heavily on the generosity of our families and their willingness to donate what they have available, or what their children have grown out of.

    We are asking all of our families to take a look in their childrens cupboard and if you have any good quality uniform that is not being used by your family, and could be donated to assist another family we encourage you to bring it into the administration office.

    We appreciate all items that can be donated.


    Parents are reminded that students must not be dropped off at school, and left unsupervised prior to the school gate opening at 8.30am.  If you need to drop your children off prior to 8.30am, we recommend that you contact Camp Australia and access before school care.


    All student absences should be communicated to the office by 10am daily.  In addition to ClassDojo, student absences can be communicated via the Parent Access Module (PAM) which come directly to the Administration Office.  In addition to daily absences, PAM can be used to record family holidays, and occurances which are likely to be multiple day absences.


    Our Parent Access Module (PAM) is now even easier to access, via the Simon EverywhereAppp.
    Download the Simon EverywhereAppp to access Reports, authorise permission slips and to record student absences.


    A reminder to all parents who are entering the school as classroom helpers or parent support during speech and or OT sessions;

    • You must enter via the Admin Office and sign in via the IPad, where you will be required to enter your Working with Children WWCC) details.
    • Please ensure you have your WWCC card with you at all times as it is a requirement of DOSCEL that you carry this card with you whilst you are onsite. 


    School Fee statements have been forwarded to all families via Email, if you have not received your statement please make contact with us so that we can check your details and ensure we have your correct Email details. 

    Term 1 Fees & Term 2 fees are now overdue, please make arrangements to bring your account up to date as soon as possible.

    Direct Debit and Credit Card payments can be set up at any time, please contact School Admin to assist with putting these options in place. 

    Contact: or (03) 5623 7222



    At our whole school Mass last Thursday, St Ita’s Primary school watched on as over 22 students were commissioned into the Mini Vinnies team. 

    We are extremely proud of all of these students and we look forward to seeing some of the amazing work they do. 

    We are currently exploring the option of working with other Catholic schools to assist them as they set up similar groups within our Diocese.



    This is a new award to replace the Principal’s Award. The St Ita’s Award will be presented each fortnight, and is for students who show consistent behaviours linked to our Whole School Approach to Positive Behaviours.

    The winner of the very first St Ita’s medallion is Izabellee Lee from Grade 3-4NH.



    On Friday 21st July, two Officers from Victoria Police met with our Grade 5-6 students to talk about cyber awareness and responsible use of social media. The presentation was very insightful and the children learnt alot about their digital footprint.



    Last week, young Laken Backman from Grade 2M had to do some running repairs on his BMX bike that he had ridden to school. The running repairs gave me the opportunity to share with Laken some stories of when I was younger and got my first BMX bike. I still remember it like it was yesterday.

    I got a Mongoose Motomag similar to the one shown below. My dream in life was to become an original Crusty Demon. We even had our own riding gang called “THEBMXICANS”.

    Sadly, I never became a Crusty Demon ☹ I was more of a Rusty Demon than a Crusty Demon.

    But as Laken said to me. "Chin up Mr O…once you have it in your blood, you never lose it. It’s just like riding a bike".



    Teacher: Mrs Catherine McKenna



    Author Visit: Grade 3-6 students

    Author George Ivanoff will be visiting on Friday August 11th to present to our 3/4 and 5/6 students. George specifically writes for this audience and older. Students may order his books through the Lamont portal. They will be posted to me, and he’ll sign them on the day and then present the book at their session. Order by July 28th.



    Book Week: 25th August

    Book Week dress up day

    Story Box Library

    Just a reminder to parents and new families that we have a subscription to Story Box Library. There is a link to the website below, or you can download the app. I encourage you to try it out.



    If your child isn’t into reading, or if they haven’t found the genre that they love yet, get them listening to audio books. Also known as ear-reading, it’s a great way for our students to explore and develop a love of story. I use the app BorrowBox which is free through the Local Community Library-Myli.

    Scholastic Book Club


    Book Club Issue 5 - CLICK HERE

    Orders close Monday 31st July for free delivery back to school. 

    You also have the home delivery option with an addition fee of $7.50


    Art Teacher: Robyn Leary     



    Hi Everyone, 

    Art is well and truly being created in our Art room. We are all eagerly getting ready for our whole school exhibition. We will let you know when this will be happening closer to the date. The exhibition will go ahead once each student had approx three or more pieces of art for the show. 

    This week the Junior Art club had their mini exhibition in the old staff room. Students parents and friends came to admire their work, and admire they did as their work was fabulous! Check out the pictures below. 


    This week we have been learning about the element of space. Some students have been creating monsters on paper, while others are experimenting with abstract collage. 

    Senior art club students have been decided and will be announced next week. Thank you to all the students that put in a piece of work. If you did not get into art club this time around then hopefully it will be your turn done other time. Art club happens every Monday at lunchtimes in the Art room and usually consists of around ten to fifteen students. 


    Modern Values


    Recently a friend lamented the difficulty of getting three growing boys to Mass on a Sunday amid the competitive demands of multi-sports, social activities, study and part-time work. Modern life is like that for many of us.

    Jesus’ teaching (Mt 13:44-52) prompts us to pause and consider what is truly important in our lives. We should celebrate the 21st century reality in which we find ourselves, but our existence here amid family, community and circumstances is no accident. Of course, we do have legitimate needs in life – food, shelter, education, meaning, love and these include aspects of those modern life demands.

    Jesus prompts us though to lift our eyes beyond contemporary realities, to reflect honestly on what is most important for us. Our material possessions and comforts, career successes and legacies fade to nothing. Jesus’ parables tell us of the “pearl of great price”, of supreme value, for possession of which the seeker holds nothing back. God’s kingdom is the place of absolute and unreserved love so, though finding it takes time and sacrifice, it is the pearl worth finding!

    Rather than turning our backs on our world and its people, we seekers engage enthusiastically in it. Revelling in our unique gifts, living life to the full with rolled up sleeves, working to capacity, maximising our sports and study, craft and hobby, celebrating deep and enduring friendships, love of family, community, nation and church  but also ensuring reflection time, God time.

    Our goal is life in God’s kingdom and so Christian mindfulness and meditation is about paying attention to God and focussing on his kingdom. Now is a great time to start! Quietly, removed from distractions, spend time focussing on God, allow him to fill you, listen to what he has to say to you.  Then re-join modern life, conscious of what is truly important for your families and yourselves.

    Deacon Mark Kelly



    Combined Parent/Child Info Session

    Drouin: Wednesday 19th July 7pm

    Warragul: Thursday 20th July 7pm

    Commitment Masses

    Drouin: 30th July & 6th August 7pm

    Warragul 29th & 30th July 7pm & 9pm

    Child Workshop 1:

    Drouin: Wednesday 9th August 7pm

    Warragul: Thurs 10th August 4pm,7pm

    Retreat Day at Marist: To be advised

    Child Workshop 2:

    Drouin: Wednesday 23rd August 7pm

    Warragul: Thurs 24th August 4pm,7pm

    Combined Reconciliation Rite:

    Drouin: Wednesday 30th August 7pm

    Thursday 31st August 7pm


    Warragul: Marist Sion Hall

    Friday 8th September 7pm

    With Bishop Greg Bennet


    Phone: (03) 5623 1642 Email:


    These letters stand for the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, the ancient Rite of welcoming people into the Church.

    The Catholic Parishes of Warragul and Drouin warmly invite anyone interested in discovering more about the Catholic faith to attend our meetings on Wednesdays, in Marian Room at St. Joseph’s Church. We start at 7.30pm and finish by 9.00pm. Our sessions will begin on Wednesday August 2nd.

    If you know anyone who is interested, please speak to Joan Robertson at St. Joseph’s Parish Office on 5623164.  


    Check out our Catholic Parishes of Warragul & Drouin Facebook presence.

